Thanks Hunt Talk for 10 Great Years!!


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2001
When Moosie started Hunt Talk in December 2000, I joined right away. I quickly realized the guys on Hunt Talk were my kind of guys. They hunted on their own, took their hunting seriously, and knew how to have fun. This month marks ten years I have been a member of this site and it caused me to reflect a bit.

Over the years, I have met a lot of great hunters here. I shake my head and continue to be amazed at the volume of trophy animals that are harvested by Hunt Talkers year in and year out. Simply put, you guys know how to get it done. You don’t know how to quit and push on when most others would throw in the towel. It has and continues to motivate me!

I also made a lot of friends. I prefer to hunt on my own, but the hunts and camps I have shared with guys from the site are some of the best I have been on. The humor, funny pictures, and vile smells are what I remember when I think back on those hunts. I hope I get to share camp with other Hunt Talkers in years to come.

I have acquired a ridiculous amount of hunting information from the guys on this site. It seems most everyone here is willing to share knowledge and general information on hunting areas. I learned early on there is a right way to ask for information and a wrong way. How I asked correlated directly with the quality of the information I received! I also knew not to take advantage of these guys and how to keep my mouth shut when they were willing to share their hard earned spots with me. I try to return the favor any chance I can.

I have been fortunate to hunt most of the western states since joining, each one being a new and unique adventure. I have walked away from some of these hunts mighty humbled. Other times I was able to harvest some great trophies. Whether I came home empty handed or with a bruiser, I enjoyed the experience and was able to share it with the guys on the site.

Since Randy took the reins, a good website became a great website. Following the live hunts are an absolute blast. Everyone is free to voice their opinions (as they were when Moosie ran the joint), and they do, which can be very entertaining. There have been many days I will am sitting in my office and laugh out loud at some of the humorous comments and pics that go up. Though there are many, the young guy who posted a pic of his deer with his buddy in the background taking a hit off of a bong is a classic that never gets old! If anyone saved that pic, post it up again. :D I blame Hunt Talk for some very unproductive days at work!

I hope the good Lord gives me another ten years to visit Hunt Talk, enjoy life, hunt hard, and explore his creation. To everyone on this site, whether you have been here ten years or joined yesterday, I just want to say thank you. I have enjoyed the ride over the last ten years!!!

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I have walked away from some of these hunts mighty humbled. Other times I was able to harvest some great trophies.Buschy

I think the word "harvest" should be removed from the hunter's vocabulary. All it does is sugar coat what we do. We KILL these animals and if you cannot accept that you should not hunt. Furthermore it gives ammunition (no pun intended) to anti-hunting organizations because they point out that people who use the word harvest are not comfortable using the word "kill" so that makes it wrong for us to do. Stick to your guns and say "kill" because you "harvest" corn not deer.

I agree with you 100%. I don't know why I wrote that in this instance? I have gotten into disagreements with co-workers about that very terminology. Good catch and reminder.
By my estimation that's nearly 90 classy posts a year. Good on you Buschy, I always enjoy your passion. quality 'kill' pics, and congeniality. Thanks.
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I guess if there isn't anything better to point out than if you kill or harvest something Bushy you are doing pretty good
Buschy, Shouldn't you be setting up a hunt or something for me to go on with you in thanks to what I set up ?!?!? :D :D
Buschy, Shouldn't you be setting up a hunt or something for me to go on with you in thanks to what I set up ?!?!? :D :D

Moosie now you ruined buschy's surprise for you. He might have to back to the drawing board for 10 more years:D
I blame Hunt Talk for some very unproductive days at work!

Couldn't agree more! Only thing is I can't see half the pics from work and they really frown on using work computers to surf anymore. Just another example of big brother constantly watching.

I'd like to throw out my thanks as well for all the info I've learned the past year and 1/2, especially that related to western big game hunting. Gotta love the equipment reviews as well.

One last thing regarding harvest/kill that really annoys me is when people ask if I caught anything while hunting..really? It's not like fishing! There was the case of STD once though....:D
Thanks Buschy...the thanks is for your great posts, friendly advise, hunting wisdom, cordial demeanor, your willingness to sharing a campfire and willingness to spend my money! I have only been a part of this site for two years but have received much more than I contribute but know that all of your contributions have helped me become a better hunter. You and the people of this site are an inspiration to day I too will be a stone colder killer who writes eloquently.
Yup, thanks to everyone. Kind of funny how it started and the many cool people who are here posting and swapping stories.
Yup, thanks to everyone. Kind of funny how it started and the many cool people who are here posting and swapping stories.

Bums me out it took me so long to find this place. Listening to the guys on here has greatly increased my chances afield.
This forum is unlike any other hunt forum for sure. It's been a great place to learn about hunting in general and we have some serious guys out there that add a lot of positive energy to it. It's easy for forums to get trashed like the Great Falls Tribune online, but that hasn't been the case here. Keep it up and thanks for giving us a place to share and exchange ideas.
The funniest picture that I have seen on here is the Texan with the cow head on a barrel.
A big thanks to all of you for all that you do to make this site happen it is nice to have a place to go to swao stories and get some advice, without all fo the arguing back and forth over which broadheads are better ane y the ones I use suck so bad.
thanks again guys

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