Thank God for kids

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well, for the last couple months I have been contemplating whether or not I should post this video clip, for a few reasons.

One - it is almost ten minutes long and who really wants to watch ten minutes of video?

Two - my son, Matthew, did most of the editing and at the end, it has kind of a personal context that he might not want me to share.

Three - you have seen some of these pieces when I posted the day by day story of his New Mexico elk hunt last year.

But, since I like it so much, I am going to post it anyhow. :D

If any of you have kids over 10 years old, make sure and apply for the New Mexico Youth elk hunts. If your child were to draw, I would do anything to help, and would probably beg for the chance to come down and help out or film. It was that great of an experience.

Anyhow, those of you who are raising/raised kids know that special feeling when they go out of their way to do something like this video clip, that makes you feel appreciated.

Happy Hunting!

Big Fin. Great video and a great message. I have a son that will be 16 in November plus two daughters. We try to spend as much time in the outdoors as possible but still cannot get enough time in. Those figures are quite scary about youth hunter numbers. We all need to do are part to try and bring them up. Sure not like the old days. Great video. Thanks
That was a great video BigFin! I have 2 daughters and can't wait until they are able to enjoy and appreciate the outdoors.
Excellent video.

I hope my son's youth hunt in Utah this year is half that good. We tried for NM this year but missed out, he has a couple of more tries before he is to old for the youth hunts.

Tell Mathew he did a good job on the editing.
Wow, New Mexico game and fish should market that one!

Great video, I think it would be great to show in any Hunter Ed class. It shows it's not always about taking game, it's more about the memories you build. I'd love to forward it onto the head of Hunter Ed here in California.
Great job guys. Big Fin videoing and Mathew editting it. Mathew - It would of been ok to disobey the old man on that one.

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