PEAX Equipment

Texas slugfest


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
I've had an invitation for a few years from a buddy of mine to hunt his ranch in Texas for exotics and hogs. I finally took him up on the offer this year and my buddy Doug and I headed down there.

The first night we got there we didnt shoot anything although we both had a lot of critters come into our stands. We had axis, fallow, sika, and hogs but decided to just see what was there.

Heres a snapshot of some white fallows that showed up:


Had 3 different color phase fallows show up and could have shot all of them. I decided to pass waiting for hogs.

A little later some sika deer came in:


Right at dark a few hogs came in, but nothing of any size.

The following two days we quit looking and started shooting. When the smoke cleared we had 21 animals on the ground. We shot 3 axis deer, 4 sika, 1 fallow, 1 rio grande turkey, and 12 hogs.

Heres a picture of one of the two axis I shot. I had a big herd of them come in and waited until two were lined up and got 2 with one shot. This was the one in the back, perfect placement after shooting through the shoulder of the front one. My buddy Doug also took 2 hogs with one shot, both perfect placement as well.


Heres a hog that came in real early with about a dozen others...big mistake.


We drove back and cut up all the critters the next two days. The hog is outstanding eating...glad it is as I've got a bunch of it.
This week's sign that the apocalypse is upon us: Buzz posting pics of dead circus animals.

, perfect placement after shooting through the shoulder of the front one. My buddy Doug also took 2 hogs with one shot, both perfect placement as well.

I figured someone was going to say something about how perfect Buzz is :)

...Buzz, thats Awesome. We went to cali and shot a hog several years ago. I had it brought back and Made into pork chops, etc. It was very very tastey !!!! The sheep on the other hand was not quiet ... uhhhhh...... not quiet my favorite :)

I assume you have more pictures you're holding in you vault for a later date ? come on, share with us !!
Please tell me someones posting chit under Buzz and Matt's user names.:confused:

"It's Friday afternoon...a pale green governement pickup just slid to a stop somewhere out in BFE Wyoming...the man, stocky and slightly balding, drops to his knees in the isloated bar ditch tossing up what left of his backstrap sandwich....jumping back in the truck, he's spins it quickly around and heads back into the hills, into the vast unknown, where only the deer and antelope play and neither can mock him for his brother's latest post..."

Marv, you were wrong! He was upchucking form a Texas deer stand.:D :D :D
21 animals in a day! That would be fun, 'til it was time to clean everything! You'd need a semi to get all the friggin meat home! Bacon and pork chops at Buzz's for the next few months, everyone's invited.
Just wait until the Fantasy Hunt scores come in for all those hogs.
LOL...first thing I thought of as well :D

way to put down the smack buzz...getting to call some two-fers is fun stuff!

Moosie- That sheep probably wasn't quiet 'cause it had a big old hole in it ;)
FYI, the hogs and circus animals were not, and will not, be scored. We want to give others a fighting chance. ;)
I say score them! Heck they were free ranging wild critters. Just ask 280, he'll back me up one way or the other on that, eh? It would be hard to remember which ones you shot and which ones your buddy shot with that many animals in such a short time.

Congratulations! Wow!