Term limits


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2017
SW Michigan
I know this is political and if not allowed Please Delete it.

I have been watching this impeachment hearings over the last few days. I am deeply disappointed in Congress. What I saw was party lines and bashing the other party at what ever cost from both sides of the isle. A long in the tooth Committee Chair that had his mind made up before it was even started. Who refereed to one side of the isle. We have long since complained on here about the Utah Delegation and the impact they have on our Natural Resources. I believe it is time for those Dinosaurs in Congress to be put to pasture. Unfortunately they control the vote on their own term limits and salaries.

H.R.198 - V.O.I.C.E. would of put the question of term limits on the ballot. However, it died in the Administration Committee. If you feel the same as me that is should be WE THE PEOPLE instead of Us the parties please speak up to your Representatives. I apologize if it’s not allowed, I’m just tired of Dinosaurs choosing the future of our country and them not remembering we are their employers.
Do you actually think term limits would do anything to combat the issues to mention? If so how?
Part of the problem is that politics has become a career. I don't think our forefathers had that intention. Instead of looking out for the best interest of the country, these folks are looking out for their employment even if it means arguing for something they don't believe in. I also can't stand how it's always a battle between Democrat and Republican. People from each party talk about "beating" the other party as if it's a game or something. I think that rhetoric has got to end. None of this will change anytime soon I'm sure, but it is challenging to watch those folks on TV and know my tax dollars are paying their salary.
Do you actually think term limits would do anything to combat the issues to mention? If so how?

I specifically stay away from politics. I’m just tired of the crap I saw on TV. They all need to be fired.
But since you asked,
I think that we have lost the ability to control the direction of our country. I remember reading in the last election on how the incumbent gets a substantial amount more advertising money and campaign donations that a competitor. I feel Main stream America doesn’t vote on what they researched, they vote from the crap they see in Ads. What the Campaign Manager what’s them to think. So when you get a crappy one in office that person already has one leg up against anyone who would run against them. Term limits would reset the seat every X years and that issue would be solved.

There would not be a Senior Member sitting on a Committee for decades using personal possessive language about resources.

I think too often there is a problem that experienced folks can’t solve because of their own bias. Bringing in a fresh set of eyes to objectively review has proven to provide solutions.
I have been watching this impeachment hearings over the last few days. I am deeply disappointed in Congress. What I saw was party lines and bashing the other party at what ever cost from both sides of the isle.

Some folks have long since lost their moral compass.
I will add that all the crap ads are brought to you by a conservative SCOTUS and the infamous Citizens United ruling, which concluded that companies are people.

From what I've seen the new "hires" are worse than the incumbents.

Depends( no pun intended...since most in congress wear them) on which side of the isle they are on.
Term limits and age limits. We shouldn’t be ruled by a bunch of senile old dingbats with one foot in the grave. The Bernies, Pelosis, McConnels etc should be put out to pasture. “ Public service“ isn’t keeping your miserable old corpse in office until you croak.
I will add that all the crap ads are brought to you by a conservative SCOTUS and the infamous Citizens United ruling, which concluded that companies are people.

From what I've seen the new "hires" are worse than the incumbents.

I think one those digbat new hires was a pawn from the get go. Let em run a muck and that will distract everyone’s attention from blank...
When I think about term limits my initial reaction is NO. If I have a representative I like I should be able to vote for them if I want. Of course I would not want to lift term limits on the POTUS so figure that out. I am tired of the entrenched out of touch politicians.

I think SCOTUS screwed us when they undid campaign finance. If anything we need more and the playing field needs to be leveled for new comers.

The real problem is the US electorate that doesn't pay attention to what going on and doesn't exercise their right to vote.
Until real campaign finance reform happens OR the masses all of a sudden learn to listen, think, and act critically, what we have now is all we’re going to get.
The real problem is the US electorate that doesn't pay attention to what going on and doesn't exercise their right to vote.
Can you blame them? Who should they pay attention to? When lying becomes acceptable and truth become arbitrary what do you expect people to do? We've allowed the system to become so dysfunctional people simply don't have any faith in it.

When people can be bankrupted by corporate hospitals and global insurance empires for medical bills related cancer treatment for a cancer they got from exposure to some environmental contamination caused by big business and foreign industry and our congressional representatives approve every step of that process, there's no wonder people have lost faith in the system and therefore choose not to participate.
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@neffa3 you are right, lying and back room deals seems to be the norm on capital hill. I also find it pretty hypocritical that are going to impeach him after supporting a candidate who was married to a Impeachment, committed criminal acts while SoS, used foreign Gov to smear another candidate, and had a fake dossier made. But they are the Majority so to hell with the other 50% of the constituency they serve.
@neffa3 you are right, lying and back room deals seems to be the norm on capital hill. I also find it pretty hypocritical that are going to impeach him after supporting a candidate who was married to a Impeachment, committed criminal acts while SoS, used foreign Gov to smear another candidate, and had a fake dossier made. But they are the Majority so to hell with the other 50% of the constituency they serve.
While I do my best to not follow the news, or politics, at all. I think there are 150 million people that would call you a liar. And they may not be wrong. Or they could be.

That is the problem
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Term limits have been a nightmare in MT. We've handed all of the institutional power over to bureaucrats & lobbyists rather than vest it in the elected officials.

Term limits are also a abrogation of your right to vote for whom you choose too. Voting is the best form of term limits when it comes to congressional, not forced limits. If you really want to change how it all works, take the money out of politics and move to taxpayer funded elections.

We have less than 50% participation in elections in the United States. Up that, increase people's ability to get out and participate in elections, take the money out of politics and you'll have a much higher functioning congress. Enact Term Limits and you sentence the nation to a revolving doorway of ignorant legislators with no understanding how the system works.
Enact Term Limits and you sentence the nation to a revolving doorway of ignorant legislators with no understanding how the system works.

There is some truth to that, but on the other hand how long does it take to figure it out? I see zero downside in having some sort of term limit, be it 2-4 terms. Alaska has had 4 representatives since statehood. One has served for 48 of the 58 years? At 86, do you think maybe he has had his fill?

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