Tajikistan Ibex

SCliving Outdoors

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2018
South Carolina
I realize this forum focuses on public land hunting in the US, but sometimes your dreams take you else where. On Jan 4th I leave for Tajikistan to hunt Ibex. This is a hunt I have been dreaming about since high school and is very high up on my list of dream trips. I booked the trip in 2019 after saving for the deposit for 18 months. The plan was to hunt in Jan 2021 then Covid happened and I pushed the hunt back a year. Now I'm less then 2 weeks out. Now, I'm finally less then 2 weeks away from my departure. I'm excited and a bit nervous. My expectations are high and I'm hoping the hunt lives up to everything I've heard about it and dreamed it will be.

This is my second international trip with the other being a trip to NZ in 2018. If anyone has an advice on international hunting to help everything go smoother feel free to leave it below.

I'm going to do my very best to update this post as I'm able.
It should be a blast!
Good luck! I've never hunted Ibex or anything at those elevations. Not sure if they have meds to counteract altitude sickness, but look into some possible remedies if you haven't already. The little I've gone international, I always keep a three-ring binder with me that has all the flight/hotel/etc. info, gun permits, vaccine record, contact numbers, CITES info, etc. etc. Take lots of photos and share when you return. I'm guessing my Ibex experiences will only be vicarious, so looking forward to your report.
Who you going with? Hunting group? I brought my trophy back in a duffle bag, and had all the paperwork done up front. My buddy that went with me used a hunting shipping company and it cost a bunch of money. His animal didn't get back to the US for around 6 months.

It's quite the adventure.
Ibex has been a serious consideration for me. I'll be very interested to hear how this plays out. Personal security in and out of that neck of woods is a concern. This year looks like I'm committed to Africa for Barbary sheep and lechwe but maybe Ibex in 2023.
Who you going with? Hunting group? I brought my trophy back in a duffle bag, and had all the paperwork done up front. My buddy that went with me used a hunting shipping company and it cost a bunch of money. His animal didn't get back to the US for around 6 months.

It's quite the adventure.
I’m going with ANCOT. I’m planning on bringing it back with me in a duffel bag as well.

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