SW Montana- Southern Gravellies


Active member
Feb 18, 2014
Two of us are heading out to the Southern gravellies for rifle elk opener. I know it’s a pretty heavily hunted area, and yes, we do know about the gentleman that was mauled by a bear near Ennis, in fact near as I can tell from the story he was mauled right on one of the ridges we plan to walk. Scary for sure, but we’ll respect the bears and are prepared as we can be.

That said, it’s been a extraordinarily dry year, and I assume good grass is limited. If anyone has been out that way bowhunting so far this year, are you still finding elk in the hills, have they moved down into the private valley for better feed?

Also, if anyone is there or has been recently - what does the snow look like? I know they have had a couple of good snowfalls at least at elevation but I’m curious if it has stuck around, melted or is someplace in between?

Feel free to PM if you’d prefer. Thanks in advance for any info!
I don't rifle hunt there for several of the below reasons so take this for what its worth

1. that area is bear central
2. its crowded in archery but just stupid in rifle
3. there are several open atv/utv trails in that area
4. theres currently 4-12" of snow depending where u go
5. Hard to say what will be there in rifle, but whats left will be crunchy ...hope for more to buffer it
6. The grass yr was great, no shortage of feed
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I was talking with someone the other day about that area in general, she referred to the hunters orange she could see as if there was a orange snow fence on the edges of the road that bordered Idaho. I haven't hunted there but hearing that from a local rancher made me rethink my strategy. I've seen that before here in MI, can't say I enjoyed the craziness that ensued.

Good luck if you do go.
I can see the Gravellies from my house and I don't hunt there anymore. If there's a more crowded place in MT, I have yet to see it.

There are elk there. Good luck!
I was up there this past weekend. There is snow up high and the lower country got plenty of rain.

Thanks for everyone’s input, we’ve researched the area enough and have friends that have been hunting the area for years so we’re going to give it a shot expecting that here, like everywhere with a little effort, hikes in and out in the dark etc.. we can get away from some of the pressure and use some of it to our advantage. If we’re wrong, we probably won’t go back but to try it once will be an adventure.

JMG thanks for the photo, surprised to see so much of the snow still around. Were you up there hunting? How did it go for you?
Any way you could go after the second weekend? Most people hunt the opening week, then go home. It still gets plenty of pressure but the second week on is about 25% of what the first week is.

Good luck and have fun!
Some of the snow should melt over the next couple of days with highs approaching 70, but who knows how much more will fall before the opener.
I am not sure about the Gravellies, but the Gallatin range has had a lot of elk move down the mtn. On Sunday I was starting to already see quite a few on the Ag fields around town. I ended up going to about 8000 feet of elevation, maybe a little under, only to find deer and bear tracks in the snow, with quite a few elk tracks underneath in the melted areas. I did run into one black bear, but he hoofed it out when he smelled me. Good luck out there.

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