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SW Colorado Muzz


New member
Apr 26, 2021
Northern Minnesota
'Afternoon elk hunters.

I've hunted NW CO for 15 seasons in a row. All but one was during 2nd Rifle, muley bucks and OTC bull elk. My first elk hunt there all those years ago was with a bow in Sarvis Creek Wilderness Area.

Three of us have decided to abandon my old familiar and happy hunting grounds for new terrain and a new season and weapon . . . limited draw muzzleloader season, GMUs 77, 78, 771. I'm looking forward to hunting in September again when bulls are vocal and rutting, but the challenge, and admittedly the worry, is learning new country all over again.

We're focusing on 78 at the moment and I've done a fair amount of e-scouting on OnX, but obviously nothing beats boots-on-the-ground scouting. However, the latter isn't in the cards since I reside in northern Minnesota.

If any of you have ever hunted 78 (or 77 or 771 for that matter), I'm all ears. Never hunted these GMUs, much less seen this part of CO. We're walking, DIY experienced hunters. Planning to establish base camp as always with the big wall tent and do some spiking with one-man tents, too. Where ever my boots and legs will take me, that's where I wanna go. Miles don't matter.

Thanks in advance!
My wife and I have hunted around Craig and Meeker for nearly 25 years, with high success for cows and the bulls were always around the girls. Too late to put in for the draw for 2021. I highly recommend you consider units 23 and 33 White River NF next year. Lots of good elk habitat, access and dispersed camping available. Use the other hunters to your advantage and you'll be successful. Bull OTC 2nd and 3rd seasons since you won't have any points, assuming you will have used your points for this year's muzzle.

For this year in unit 78 you'll encounter tons of resident and non-resident hunters in the San Juan NF. Concentrate on the Upper Piedra River. Get away from other hunters and use them to your advantage. At least you have the hot springs in Pagosa. Good Luck.
Hunted 78 for last 10yrs. Not like it use to be. But we still get them
I would do the opposite. If I lived closer to the NW part of the State like I did in the past I would hunt there every year. Not that I'm complaining about the SW but having hunted each region for 5+ years my success rate was higher in the NW and I didn't have to work as hard.
All good comments folks. Appreciate it. I'm very conflicted about leaving my old stomping grounds west of Kremmling in the Gore Mountains. I've hunted there every season since 2006. But a hunting partner that joined me there in 2018 talked me into trying some place new, and because he's into success rates and other statistics he uncovered on goHUNT Insider, well, you get the picture. One thing that I will say about the area around Kremmling in GMU 15 and adjacent GMUs that I've hunted, is that the "it ain't what it used to be" expression rings some truth. Game has always been plentiful in my view, although I've noticed a steady uptick in hunter pressure and, to some degree, competition, too. Still, I've never found it very difficult to ditch the crowds by putting miles in my boots between them and roads. What has, however, significantly changed the quality of the hunt is the devastation wrought by bark beetles. As natural a phenomena as it is, and I understand it completely, watching lush green forests of lodepoles go from standing green to standing red to standing dead to toppling over one-by-one has made hunting about as tough as it can get while at the same time improving hunting IF (and that's a big if), one can get to those tangled places in a day's hike. Natural regen is occurring there, slowly, but I'll admit to not seeing the numbers of mule deer and elk that I used to despite my hard hunting style. And soooo, here I go. We just drew the muzz bull tags for 77, 78, and 771 just a day ago. Now I'll be "e-scouting" from my hind end here in Minnesota while stressing about where the hell I should concentrate. Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it. And truth be told, if I end up not liking the SW I'll be returning to the NW lickety split in 2022.
“because he's into success rates and other statistics he uncovered on goHUNT Insider, well, you get the picture.”
I think gohunt is the first mistake. I feel it has completely ruined units.
success in an area you know well is 1000% better than dealing with the S@$show that is SW CO. I guide here but hunt central and NW for 10+ years.
You can always turn the tag in and go otc.
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You'll get to meet a lot of people from Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma, and most of them will be on horses.

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