Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Supporting businesses who support us....



I wanted to start a thread where members can post the names of individuals and companies who support us public land hunters and oppose the transfer and selling off of our public land. Companies and individuals who risk their own financial and professional well being in support of public land. I think we should list companies who we wish were a little more vocal in the fight, and we can encourage them to get in it!

Companies and individuals like First Lite, Randy, Cameron Hanes, Rogan, Rinella come to mind for me as champions of our cause....
Seek Outside- They continually use their media platforms to promote public lands and to raise awareness about problems with the Public Lands Transfer. They also provide some UNREAL deals for those interested in becoming a life member to BHA.
Seek Outside- They continually use their media platforms to promote public lands and to raise awareness about problems with the Public Lands Transfer. They also provide some UNREAL deals for those interested in becoming a life member to BHA.

I've honestly never heard of them...i'll check them out!!
I've been thinking about this a lot, wondering about a number of companies that I would expect to be speaking up on this, but haven't really seen much from. I've been a big fan of Kuiu products, but I can't really find anything they're doing to further the cause of public lands--even though it benefits them directly. I wrote this email to them a few days ago, and have yet to hear back:

Hi guys,

I and my friends and family members have together spent several thousands of dollars on Kuiu gear, and we have all been terrifically impressed. I've not used one piece of Kuiu clothing or gear that I did not love. That's damn impressive, and would be enough to make a customer for life out of me, if it were not for this question: where does Kuiu stand on the issue of conservation and public land? As a hunter, I believe that supporting public land access and wildlife conservation is paramount, which is why I contribute as much as I can to organizations like BHA and RMEF.

If I have somehow missed your stance and policy on these issues, I apologize, but I honestly don't know. Your competitors, Sitka and First Lite, are both big supporters of wildlife conservation and keeping public lands public. While I prefer your products, company ethos play a huge part in deciding who to buy from. With our country's current political climate, and dangerous bills like HR 621 being floated in congress, it's more important than ever to fight for our heritage. That said, if given the choice between buying from a company that will support conservation and public lands, and one who won't, I will buy from the one that will--even if I don't like their products as much. The circle of hunters I run with all feel the same way.

So I guess I'm asking, what we're asking is, where do you stand, and what are you doing about it?

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.

-Randy Davis

If/when I get a reply, I'll post it up here.
Apparently Jason was feeling the heat. Via Facebook, KUIU is "adamantly" opposed to the transfer of public lands.
I used to be mostly a Cabelas guy, then I became mostly a Sitka fan, then a huge KUIU fan, but now I lean mostly toward First Lite because of their positive stance on public lands. I wear them all but will not purchase another KUIU item until I'm convinced and they show proof they are opposed to the Transfer of Public Lands.
Apparently Jason was feeling the heat. Via Facebook, KUIU is "adamantly" opposed to the transfer of public lands.

I just saw that.

I hope all you Hunt Talkers see what you have done. Add that new KUIU video in with all the new voices to the public land movement this week and you Hunt Talk folks have officially made being a public land advocate a low risk proposition. Pronouncing yourself as a public land political advocate is now "Cool." How cool is that?

Thanks for putting the pressure on so many. You guys are having a big impact; bigger than I suspect most realize.
I just saw that.

I hope all you Hunt Talkers see what you have done. Add that new KUIU video in with all the new voices to the public land movement this week and you Hunt Talk folks have officially made being a public land advocate a low risk proposition. Pronouncing yourself as a public land political advocate is now "Cool." How cool is that?

Thanks for putting the pressure on so many. You guys are having a big impact; bigger than I suspect most realize.

Yep, the voices are building for sure and its good to see people realize they need to stand up and be counted among the "good guys" on this issue.
Kuiu did respond to my inquiry about public land that I sent them earlier this week.

"We agree. Jason and KUIU support keeping public lands public. We will be announcing this on Social Media very soon. It is important to preserve the lands that we all grew up on and continue hunting today!"

Im glad to see another company stepping up. I'll still stick with Sitka and First Lite at least until I see Kuiu put their money where their mouth is. But, it's good to have them on board.
Im glad to see another company stepping up. I'll still stick with Sitka and First Lite at least until I see Kuiu put their money where their mouth is. But, it's good to have them on board.

Same here. He needs to give more than lip service to this issue if he wants my support. I'll support companies that are fighting the fight.
I just saw that.

I hope all you Hunt Talkers see what you have done. Add that new KUIU video in with all the new voices to the public land movement this week and you Hunt Talk folks have officially made being a public land advocate a low risk proposition. Pronouncing yourself as a public land political advocate is now "Cool." How cool is that?

Thanks for putting the pressure on so many. You guys are having a big impact; bigger than I suspect most realize.

I admit it, I was more focused on the republican vs democrat approach instead of focusing on our strength in numbers. Time to refocus and keep voicing my support for public lands! Let's keep it going!
Since I'm a geezer in his early 30s, this is the only form of social media I dabble in. Thanks for letting me know about the Kuiu Facebook post. Glad they're speaking out--now it's time for them to put their money where their mouth is.
As a new hunter gearing up for my first big game season, I'm hoping to also vote the public lands issue with my wallet.

Does anyone know of Boise area outdoor retailers that support public lands? Shopping at Cabelas is convenient, but I haven't seen them speak out on the issue, and I'd like to support our supporters if I can.

I bought Leupold and I know they support BHA. I'm planning on Nosler based on bullet quality. Beyond supporting this site, do they also actively support public lands?
As a new hunter gearing up for my first big game season, I'm hoping to also vote the public lands issue with my wallet.

Does anyone know of Boise area outdoor retailers that support public lands? Shopping at Cabelas is convenient, but I haven't seen them speak out on the issue, and I'd like to support our supporters if I can.

I bought Leupold and I know they support BHA. I'm planning on Nosler based on bullet quality. Beyond supporting this site, do they also actively support public lands?

If you're looking for a good pack, Exo Mountain Gear makes amazing packs and is a vocal supporter of our public lands and they're based in Boise. I cannot verify if they back it up with their wallets but they are a young company and it can be difficult to commit lots of monetary amounts at that time.
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