Strange bedfellows for a pro public land administration

Good link within the link I just posted.

The Huffington post writer does a lot of articles on climate change. He should use TNC's work with forest restoration and carbon capture to write an informative article, instead of politically driven hyperbole like he usually does.

Or not.
Strange bedfellows of the Huffington post writer Chris right here. He has no agenda. ;)

Does his agenda make the quotes inaccurate? Does the writers agenda negate the history, actions and intentions of the individuals lobbying the interior department?

Carry on shooting the messenger and ignoring the message.
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I read the biased article. Last quote offers up a load of opinionated tinfoil. Subscribe to it if you like.

What’s kept the administration from changing its tune and embracing the Republican Party position on federal lands? It could be a calculated decision ahead of the 2020 election. A 2016 survey found that 60% of Western voters oppose the sale and transfer of federal land holdings.
Jayson O’Neill, deputy director of the Western Values Project, says the June 2019 event shows Interior’s true colors and that the administration has set itself up to reverse course.
“This is a clear signal that if President Trump and Secretary Bernhardt are given enough time, the wholesale transfer and privatization of America’s public lands will happen in the blink of an eye,” he said.
Keep an eye on these rascals in the government. The're buying more so they can sell more. ;)

Wow, could you deflect harder? You must have either not read the actual article or just don't give a shit that the DOI envited speaker Myron Ebell to the DOI to inform them that they should sell your land to the Koch bros.

“I think the real solution to the federal lands is eventually to either transfer them to the states or,” he paused to acknowledge two lawmaker friends who don’t support the second option he was about to mention, “privatize them, put them into private ownership.”
Like all politicians we need to look at their actions verses their rhetoric. For an administration that’s supposed to be pro public land it sure keeps some interesting bedfellows.
This administration was supposed to be pro public land? Did I miss a tweet somewhere? The GOP Platform states that the group is against Federal ownership of land and would like to abolish the EPA.
Life lesson #265:
Want to be taken seriously by most humans? Dont read or quote the Huffington post.
Life lesson #266
Smart ass answers that dont address the issue are generally a waste of everyones time.

Instead why dont you show where this meeting/lobbying session was treated or more fairly reported o by a more centrist media outlet?
Life lesson #266
Smart ass answers that dont address the issue are generally a waste of everyones time.

Instead why dont you show where this meeting/lobbying session was treated or more fairly reported o by a more centrist media outlet?
I didnt even read it.
Smart ass answers is what the Huffington post deserves.

Ok. I agree, HuffPost is about selling advertising delivered on left-of-center media.

Not just to you, but a question to anyone who thinks that facts are irrelevant because of who presents the facts, "What kind of answers/discussion does the topic and facts deserve, regardless of how HuffPost presents them to pander to their readership?"

I am lucky that on these public land political topics, I don't have to rely on opinions disguised as fact as happens with HuffPost and the equivalent counterparts on the other side of the media bias bell curve. My years of doing this allow me to pick up the phone or email those who are in this stuff as their daily work.

A few facts, not spun with any desired "journalistic outcomes."

FACT - We are getting our asses handed to us on public land conservation issues. We have been getting it handed to us since I started being involved in these topics thirty years ago.

FACT - Much as Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, used backdoor methods to accomplish objectives important to those paying their political freight, the current administration is doing the same thing. Just different channels, different agendas, different payment methods, different beneficiaries.

FACT - The BLM does not have a Director. It is being run by a self-proclaimed anti-public lander, known as William Pendley. The Administration is purposely not filling a position that requires Congressional approval (BLM Director), as the person they keep reappointing as a spoil of victory to their friends, Deputy Director Pendley, could never pass a confirmation vote. Ask anyone, on either side, who is tuned in on this issue and they will tell you the same answer. Just a way to work the current system. Other Administrations have done similar things in different agencies.

FACT - The current budget proposed by the Administration reflects that anti-public land message by reducing the LWCF funds, earmarked for conservation and land acquisition via prior legislation. It cuts the $900 million earmarked for that fund down to less than $50 million. It is the most important fund for solving access issues on large public landscapes.

FACT - What I have presented above is a minute fraction of the issues we are currently facing related to public lands and conservation of those lands.

OPINION (based on decades of engaging on these topics) - Point is, every Administration uses some assets as bargaining chips for repayment of political liabilities. In the current case, the current Administration views public lands, clean air, clean water, conservation, as bargaining chips to repay a lot of debts. Again, no different than past Administrations using some government policies, assets, or programs to repay what is owed to those who supported them. Just a different currency being used for the repayments and being paid to different beneficiaries.

MORE OPINION - Regardless of the Administration or who one voted for, ignoring what is happening or being an apologist as the hunting community sometimes behaves, does nothing for the benefit of public lands, clean air, clean water, and conservation. The groups who want less public land, dirtier water, dirtier air, and care little for conservation show up with their attorneys, checkbooks, and lobbyists. They are hoping we become apologists on these topics because we voted for (insert name) or we identify as (insert party). They count on us not being engaged or split based on political affiliations. I see so much within the hunting world that plays right into the hand of this strategy. The other side is well-funded and well-connected. They and their causes don't need our support. Wild things and wild places need our support.
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That about sums it up in 600 words or less. I have always argued that hunters are very disorganized. There are so many different groups with different goals and resources are limited, which further reduces the "punch" of any lobbying effort. Do you think the Oil and Gas industry has a dozen different groups lobbying "public servants" who do the voting? Also, we have to move away from a singular "hunting" focus and possible make some strange bedfellows of our own. The Nature Conservancy, American Prairie Reserve, National Wildlife Federation, camping organizations (the list goes on) might be partners in some instances. I like when I see these organizations working together. Being dogmatic is not going to get us anywhere.
The groups who want less public land, dirtier water, dirtier air, and care little for conservation show up with their attorneys, checkbooks, and lobbyists.
And more importantly they are winning the public opinion. They are convincing people that dirty water and air pollution are not only morally just but patriotic.
I don't see the The Nature Conservancy in Montana as a strange bedfellow. They are solid on hunting, conservation, stewardship, and public lands. I am already a strong supporter of their organization.

Me neither, but there are plenty of Montana hunters that think of them as well as BHA, Montana Wildlife Federation and even some of the local fish and game organization as leftist commie groups infiltrating from California to take our guns and jobs. I hear it all the time. We are our worst enemy.
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