NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Starbucks, next to DQ an OYOA favorite!

Yeah. Good news. I will drive to the new Starbucks here in town, buy two latte's that morning. In fact, if any Bozeman guys want to meet me there that day, I will buy them a coffee of their choice. You have to wear camo, or I ain't buying.

Got this one this morning about Google and PayPal falling into the "No guns or accessories" trap. This is a big deal for companies who use internet affiliate programs for increasing their web traffic, such as Cabela's, Gander Mtn., etc.

Last week, Cabela's quietly informed its affiliate partners that changes in the Google Advertising Network (GAN) would have a real impact on both Cabela's and the affiliates. Seems Google is "implementing and aligning their search policies within their affiliate network".

The net/net on that "alignment" is the carrying over of Google's editorial ban on advertising of weapons or related items to their advertising policies. commissions collected or paid for any products that fall into those categories. As Cabela's said in their note "this will have a significant impact on Cabela's and its affiliate partners who promote and sell these products."

As my source explained, "Google's affiliate network isn't the only one out there, but for the small business owner, it is one of the easier ones to get involved with and is very easy to use. Now Google isn't going to allow commissions on firearms and firearms-related sales. This is a big blow to small business owners such as myself."

With the proliferation of all sorts of internet commerce, it's only reasonable that businesses in the firearms space would want to participate.

Unfortunately, with major facilitators like Google and PayPal both refusing any firearms-related transactions, it's considerably more difficult than it should be.

Despite the fact the shooting industry remains one of the bright spots in our still-faltering economy, some companies simply will not do business with companies selling products related to firearms. After all, guns do cause violence, right?

Glad I never let this site be polluted with Google Ads and their service. Those companies serving ads to hunting websites, via Google Ads, are screwed.

So, with companies like Google being sucked into this false premise, I am going to do all I can to support Starbucks and their demonstration of fortitude to not cave in.

Now, if DQ goes down that trail, me and Warren Buffett will need a meeting. Don't even want to go there.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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