Stalking the wild asparagus

That's pretty cool! I don't believe I've come across wild asparagus.
Gonna start hitting the ditches around town soon..... nothing better, besides morels I suppose.
That's pretty cool! I don't believe I've come across wild asparagus.
Sytes: We have it in the ditches of northeast Iowa. As a DVM I am on the road constantly. The "best time to locate the asparagus" is in the late fall (when the unpicked stalks get really high and make the characteristic bush appearance as it goes to seed). Yes, the asparagus is way too old to eat, however, you write the location down in a little notebook. Next year in the early growing season you can go back to those places and locate the fresh stalks :)
Every spring and late summer for two decades my wife and I would forage through our orchard for wild asparagus. For years I separated and spread bunches of roots and we would harvest asparagas stalks by the grocery bag. Unfortunately the farm is in hay now. But I still enjoy checking my spouse over for ticks after a field outing and I'm sure Euell Gibbons would have approved.
Sytes: We have it in the ditches of northeast Iowa. As a DVM I am on the road constantly. The "best time to locate the asparagus" is in the late fall (when the unpicked stalks get really high and make the characteristic bush appearance as it goes to seed). Yes, the asparagus is way too old to eat, however, you write the location down in a little notebook. Next year in the early growing season you can go back to those places and locate the fresh stalks :)
Just don’t go to my!
Euell theres a name I haven't
heard in 30+yrs.Dang I must be gettin' old!
Older than dirt...:cool:
Its pretty common here. I have a few patches on my place that i need to check before i turn the animals into them.
15 ticks sounds pretty bad I found 5 the other day and had the skin crawls for a few hours.
Nice haul Gouch. Ours here southeast Idaho isn't quite ready for plucking yet. But you bet your bottom dollar we will be gathering soon.
I realize I’m late to the party on this thread, but that’s really cool! I had no idea this was a common occurrence. I take a pass on the ticks though. Ugh!
Wild asparagus, my favorite vegetable and one of my favorite childhood pastimes. I thought I knew where every asparagus bush was within miles of my home. Everyday after school the dog and I would make a circuit, based on three days of growth, and bring a haul home.
I think I'll have to read that book again, it's been many years. I remember being amused by folks always portraying ol' Euell as a health food nut. Seemed like all the wild food he gathered was either fried in lard or smothered in cream and sugar.
Went back out today but I avoided the taller grass and didn't get any ticks.
In my youth that I dimly remember it, my family used to harvest asparagus from ditch banks or even the roadside access areas. When farmers went to concrete ditches. the asparagus dissapearred.
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