Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Spooked In The Woods

I too have once heard an Indian legend...the legend of falling rock. It seems many, many moons ago, before the whiteman crossed the big water there was a tribe named Itchagocombiestone. In the whitemans tongue its Falling Rock, the Itchagocombiestone were a simple folk, kind of like the Indians on F Troop (any one remember that show? If you do you probably remember this legend) Anyhow, the Itchagocombiestones lived off Buffalo and Rainbow trout. After a severe drought, the Buffalo and Rainbows disappeared, the Itchagocombiestones had to find a new food source, so they started to migrate north, then a little east, some say they may have even migrated south or to the west, no one is quite sure. Somehow along the way some of the Itchagocombiestones left the tribe to marry, or they just got tired of walking around the country. Most of the Itchagocombiestones disappeared, except for the ones that left the tribe. No one could find any trace of the main tribe. The ones that left the tribe looked north, and east some went south and west, looking for their lost family members. They decided they should erect signs telling people to watch for the Itchagocombiestones, but that name was too long, so they decided to use the english version of their name. Thats why when your driving down the road you will see a sign saying "WATCH FOR FALLING ROCKS". The good thing is, an Itchagocombiestone will never, ever sneak up on you while hunting in the woods..they are afraid of the automatic weapon fire.
Whiskers (showing my age here ;) ) wasn't "Falling Rock" on F-Troop played by Don Rickles? You know, just as I typed this in I think I remember he was Chief Bald Eagle....cripes I'm talking to myself on the internet :eek:

I think the one in Heavy's yarn should have been the Indian spirit "Breaking Wind-igo" ....the Spirit of Soiled Places! At least it would have explained the rank smell ;)
i have smelled that rotten flesh/egg smell while hunting the woods also

I think the one in Heavy's yarn should have been the Indian spirit "Breaking Wind-igo" ....the Spirit of Soiled Places! At least it would have explained the rank smell

LMAO... Last night while out looking for elk, I had this same feeling, then realized the wild game pepperoni sticks really get to a guy, I had to make sure I was staning upwind of myself... :eek: :D:D:D
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