Sons first buck !!


Active member
Oct 22, 2016
So my youngest son got his first buck during the MI firearms season. He was a trooper he sat though some bitter cold temps for most of the day. After he shot the deer and the track job was over he was pretty pumped to say the least. As he was kneeling down looking at the deer and petting it he said "thank you Mr Deer". At that point I had to laugh to myself all I thought was I must watch to many Randy Newburg videos.

The best part was while I was dragging out his deer and taking a break, my son looked at me and said " Dad I am super appreciative that you take out your hunting time to take me hunting and spend time with me" Little does he know that taking him out hunting is my favorite thing to do.unnamed.jpg
Congratulations to your son on his first kill! A a “big thumbs up”, to the young man for being appreciative! memtb
Love it !!!!!!! Congratulations to all.

love his attitude, his manners, and for the record that doesn't just happen by accident. He was taught, to hunt , to be appreciative, to express himself ---Congratulations Dad !
"thank you Mr Deer". I nearly fell off the couch laughing! Indeed, you are a newberg guy😁

I will never forget a single second of the afternoon that my son shot his first buck - a little basket 8pt in Delta Co. Michigan. He shot it with a 300 savage that four men in my lineage have taken their first buck with.

Congrats to you for what you have achieved with your boy, you are a super dad.👍

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