Caribou Gear Tarp

Some seafood


Sep 22, 2005
Kodiak, AK
Well I haven't retired the rifle yet for this fall, but I needed to get some fish in the freezer. Here's our take from a couple weekends ago. 1,100 lbs of silvers, 100lbs of halibut, 30lbs of rockfish and a 10lb lingcod.


Still needed some more halibut so did a quick trip yesterday for a quick 375lb haul.


The big gal went 213 lbs at the dock after being bled out. Probably close to 220lbs went I set the gaff in her and wrestled her aboard. Of course, then I wrestled with her on the deck with the billy club so she didn't break up the boat or someones leg. Note to self, that's why we have the harpoon on board... :eek:


Figured since we were out there we might as well soak a crab pot for some dinner. Ended up with about a dozen, which tasted great drenched in butter. :cool:

Tough to reply to

Oh Man!

Almost every time you post my envy increases.
All those tasty fish and tasty crab, dude-you're killin me!
Congratulations, I hope you enjoy living MY dream life.
Oh Man!

Almost every time you post my envy increases.
All those tasty fish and tasty crab, dude-you're killin me!
Congratulations, I hope you enjoy living MY dream life.


Thanks, I'm pretty thankful for what I've been able to experience. It also makes you appreciate it more when you know it isn't going to last forever. My wife is about as far as she can go with her career here after her last promotion and figures she'll want to spend another 3 years in this position then move on to a larger university. It's going to be a tough place to leave, but it was part of the deal when we moved here. I got this move and she gets the next one. Doesn't mean I can't root for Idaho, Montana, Wyoming or Colorado though. ;)

So we rebaited that pot on Saturday and gave it 3 days to soak. Figured on a 4 hour soak we ended up with 12 keepers so we should have around 100 crab in there with probably 40- 50 keepers. Here's a little crab trivia for you, once an octopus takes over your pot, crab avoid it like the plague.


Well we had a 45lber and 35lber in there so we did what any local would do, we cut them suckers up to grill and pickle... :D

WOW...unbelievible lifestyle...I'm with the nikster...enjoy livin MY dream
Great pics...thanks for sharing!
you told me you were going out fishing but that looks like one hell of a fishing trip for sure !

AND you told me you were going goat hunting, but I don't see a report... :confused:
Congrats on the successful hunt, I look forward to the pictures. And yes you did slip through town without paying the Hunt Talk Tax so next time you owe me triple beers. :D
Yep....looks tasty from this end of the world. The cooks here try. We got fried shrimp from a box, mushy shrimp from a bag, lobster tails and tilapia/catfish. I should mention the lobster tails are not bad, but I've seen shrimp from Alaska bigger than the tails they serve up here. I absolutely refuse to eat the fish.

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