Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Solo hunt “talk”

Which best describes you when hunting alone?

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I don't talk out loud. I remember on day 5 of silence I ran into a guy on a trail and when I went to say hello my voice broke and I got out something like, "ELLLow" with a squeak to start.

The inner dialogue cannot be accurately described, but it never stops, often has nothing to do with what i'm doing, and likes pop music...from the 80s.
I don't talk out loud. I remember on day 5 of silence I ran into a guy on a trail and when I went to say hello my voice broke and I got out something like, "ELLLow" with a squeak to start.

The inner dialogue cannot be accurately described, but it never stops, often has nothing to do with what i'm doing, and likes pop music...from the 80s.
I don’t even get mad anymore, now I just sing along.
Interestingly enough the past 3 years after killing bulls and during rather grueling pack outs, my inner dialogue was playing taylor swift "are we out of the woods yet". lol
Well I guess that’s that for me then…
I have a feeling your probably ok.

My first job out of college no one in the office got along. The office manager was an old methhead looking woman that would grind her teeth, and have full on arguments with herself. If she’d mess something up you’d hear her yelling “Diane, you are a dumb b!@&$“ and often worse. Then she’d answer back to that voice and the argument would continue to get more intense. now that’s cray cray.
Usually internal dialogue like others that has nothing to do with what is actually going on at the time. If I am saying something audible it usually starts with…

What the f***________
Was I thinking
I’m never doing that again
Why not?
Is my problem
Do I do this for
This sucks

And then usually by the time I get back to the truck I am planning my next idiotic hike/excursion and laughing about all the misery I just got done experiencing!

Always makes for good stories though!
Mine are usually when I’m trying to get back to the truck and includes “what the f*** was I thinking” or “ya there was no one else, because no one else is stupid enough to hike into there”
I’ll get the youngests dumb cartoon songs stuck in my head.
Anymore, stuff from the movies my kids like to watch are about the only things that get stuck in my head when I'm out by myself. Last year, on a windy day in Wyoming I had the song, "You're Welcome" from Moana stuck in my head so bad that at one point I yelled, "F*#K you, Maui!" into the wind. The whistling intro to the old Disney Robin Hood movie gets me a lot. A LOT.

I get ear worms pretty bad sometimes too. Weird words or names that have no context that I usually can't place or define. They just repeat over and over. It's fun.

If I ever start to think I'm smart, I just have to remind myself what my brain turns into when I'm by myself out in the woods.