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So much for printing Montana carcass tags

I bought all my stuff online Tuesday. Got my tags in the mail yesterday. Good to go.
I thought it was a bad idea to begin with. So I am glad the made this decision.
Can anyone elaborate on how I’m suppose to use these tags in the field this year? They sent tags printed on regular printer paper, how’s that suppose to work transporting carcass on my back in the elements? It’s been a few years since I hunted MT..
Can anyone elaborate on how I’m suppose to use these tags in the field this year? They sent tags printed on regular printer paper, how’s that suppose to work transporting carcass on my back in the elements? It’s been a few years since I hunted MT..

The response I’ve seen is put it in a ziploc bag. I think I will take it to my local copy store and have them laminate it.
Ok good idea guys, I have a laminator at work. Seems silly they do that though!
It was part of their antiquated printer system. Much of the printer ink would wear off leaving a blank license and the paper options were very limited and costly.

Several states did this a few years ago and some have doubled back to more durable printing system (plastic type paper) because of issues or have gone partially digital. Time will tell if MT sticks with standard paper or if they search for better options.
On laminating it..... I didn't take too much notice of the back of the tag. I know you have to sign the front, but is there nothing that you need to write on or fill out on the backside in the field? Is it just a matter of cutting out the date on the back?
It was part of their antiquated printer system. Much of the printer ink would wear off leaving a blank license and the paper options were very limited and costly.

Several states did this a few years ago and some have doubled back to more durable printing system (plastic type paper) because of issues or have gone partially digital. Time will tell if MT sticks with standard paper or if they search for better options.
I thought the issue was that paper was very expensive? Wonder if those states increase the cost of the license. Let's be honest, MT doesn't put a whole lot of effort into checking harvest, so you could tape anything to that antler and it would be fine. They would still check your license and permit, but the tag, meh.
On laminating it..... I didn't take too much notice of the back of the tag. I know you have to sign the front, but is there nothing that you need to write on or fill out on the backside in the field? Is it just a matter of cutting out the date on the back?
Correct. No need to write on the back.
Just notch the proper date.
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Side note: what’s stopping someone from printing multiple tags, filling one tag bringing home the carcass, then a week later going out in the field hunting again? Just the honor system? Here in CA that would be impossible to do because the tags aren’t replicable.
Side note: what’s stopping someone from printing multiple tags, filling one tag bringing home the carcass, then a week later going out in the field hunting again? Just the honor system? Here in CA that would be impossible to do because the tags aren’t replicable.
I thought there was something built in to the system to prevent that.

Really, Montana is such an absolute train wreck, I think many even in the Department have given up caring really.

So what if a few more deer, elk, whatever get killed by folks cheating their license system. More dead elk is better to get them in check with the EMP objectives. More dead deer, less chance of CWD infection.

They should have thought about all this way before they went down this road of having people print their own tags.

I wish I still cared enough that I thought it was an issue in Montana. Outfitters getting 3k more tags, 9 more days of muzzleloader season, killing elk 6 months out of the year, I just don't care anymore. Big-game are treated as knapweed by the Legislature, Department and sadly a lot of Montana "sportsmen".
Side note: what’s stopping someone from printing multiple tags, filling one tag bringing home the carcass, then a week later going out in the field hunting again? Just the honor system? Here in CA that would be impossible to do because the tags aren’t replicable.
absolutely nothing...last year I printed multiple copies to see how they'd display on different types of paper (rite-in-rain, green paperboard stuff, and regular paper) as well as save a pdf so I could have printed more if I so chose. In the end laminating regular paper worked best for me and I shredded the rest.

This year's paper carcass tags were mailed to me since I bought them on my phone and couldn't print. I already destroyed them when I went for an accidental swim in the Big Hole. I get to pay $5 to reprint the carcass tags :rolleyes:
At least you guys received your tags, I purchased tags for 2 of my daughter's and myself, choose the option to have them printed and mailed to me. This was the middle of March. Still no tags for any of us. I've called them twice and was told I will have to pay the $5 for each tag if I want to hunt. So another $85 dollars they are going to end up making off of me. I'm sure they need the money and all but to tell me all 3 of my family members tags must have been lost in the mail...c'mon man.
Yea that’s crazy, I got to imagine there’s guys printing multiple tags. It would be very easy to get away with it, unfortunately. Never seen game warden when I’ve hunted there either..
At least you guys received your tags, I purchased tags for 2 of my daughter's and myself, choose the option to have them printed and mailed to me. This was the middle of March. Still no tags for any of us. I've called them twice and was told I will have to pay the $5 for each tag if I want to hunt. So another $85 dollars they are going to end up making off of me. I'm sure they need the money and all but to tell me all 3 of my family members tags must have been lost in the mail...c'mon man.
My tags just arrived on Monday as well as my brothers and buddy. With the way USPS is yours might still be in the mail.
Side note: what’s stopping someone from printing multiple tags, filling one tag bringing home the carcass, then a week later going out in the field hunting again? Just the honor system? Here in CA that would be impossible to do because the tags aren’t replicable.
IMO, this is another support mechanism for mandatory reporting. Want a tag next year? You must record the current year's harvest.

Reality... one of the few ways to get caught is w/ FWP Warden check on site, en route, staged check point or @ a hwy check station.
The fancy aspect, your info, etc *should be recorded, if transit w/ harvest. Caught with another and *hopefully an Investigator / Warden's @ your door sooner than later.

Reality... ethics / morality are not a product of printed paper.

With the micro management of the two political pendulum extremes... the bi-polar effect is bound to trickle down upon the grunts on the ground.
Do they mail out doe tags just like the combo license? I haven't received the B license yet, but on the FWP Items Held it gives me the option to request a copy of the non carcass tag. Then it says replacement of a carcass tag must be done at an FWP provider. Does that mean it's only going to let me print a non carcass tag so I won't be able to tag the doe with what gets emailed to me for me to print?

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