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So I want to go on a goat hunt....


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
Okay, I've read through the hunts on this forum and am ready to go! ;)

The problem is that I'm 42 and have ZERO points in any state.

I would like to do something DIY, but unless I somehow got really lucky it looks like maybe I shouldn't even mess with it. Looks like I would need around 15 points to have a good shot at a tag in most states and that would put me pretty old for goat hunting. That would also put my son at an age where I could maybe use him for a crutch and a sherpa so maybe it would still be a possibility though.

I think I will start buying chances in the supertag drawing in Montana as that is typically an undersubsribed tag compared to sheep, moose, elk, etc. but even if I blow $100 on it every year for 10 years my odds would still be less than 1/2 of a percent based on the numbers from the last several years, and I'll be out $1,000.

Utah and Wyoming still have a few tags going to the random side of the draw so there is a tiny chance there (actually a better chance than the Montana super tag, but not much).

I haven't figured Colorado or Idaho out yet, but I guess I'll start applying there too.

Really the only alternatives are guided hunts in British Colmbia or Alaska right? When you really start looking at the math, I might actually be money ahead to just pay for a guided hunt instead of spending 10 or 15 years applying for a tag that I may never draw while I'm still healthy enough to hunt it.

Am I missing anything? Looks like the states to apply are Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado and Utah.

I wish I could start sending in applications for my son, but his is only 4 so still a few years before I can. He already has his lifetime hunting license in Texas though! ;)

Thanks in advance for any input or advice.

Idaho, maybe your best chance in the now. But if you want a DIY hunt you've really got to apply everywhere you can and cross your fingers hope to get lucky in the random draws in Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Washington and Nevada. Colorado, you have to apply 3 years straight to get preference points then after 3 years you get put in the random year, and recieve a bonus point for each year thereafter your not successful. Max points in any state is going to make you an old man.
If you don't want to play the application game, I'd suggest just going to Alaska or BC. You can still hunt goats relatively cheaply in AK, if you just want a goat. If you are looking for a trophy, hunts in BC and SE AK will be a bit more.

Colorado actually has some very easy to draw goat tags if you are not looking for a trophy goat. You can still count on a few years of applying, though.
Holy cow. Those are some great odds. Good harvest too. Looks like I'm putting in my name in the hat. Sorry npaden, you've got some extra competition now. You should have kept your mouth shut.
Idaho would give you as good a chance as anybody. No pref points here, everyone has the same horrible odds.
I think at 42...I'd skip the applications and go goat hunting.

If I wouldnt have drawn a goat tag in 1998...I'd of bought a hunt by now. I wanted a goat more than any other animal in Montana.
Yup....what Buzz said.

Find a way to scrape the cash together and book a hunt for 2012. I drove an old crappy truck around in order to make a white sheep hunt happen.
Holy cow. Those are some great odds. Good harvest too. Looks like I'm putting in my name in the hat. Sorry npaden, you've got some extra competition now. You should have kept your mouth shut.

I take that back. I don't have $1800 to front the tag. Looks like you'll get a year or two head start.
Thanks for the input everyone.

I did check out Idaho some more and their odds are pretty decent too. Some 4% and 5% chances in there so it won't hurt to apply.

I researched out some goat hunts in British Columbia and the prices aren't unbelievably scary, but they aren't cheap by any means. Several of them throw in moose and black bear hunts and you basically pay one price for a 10 day hunt with the potential to end up with 3 animals on the ground for around $10,000. The moose are not Yukon moose by any means, but in my opinion a moose is a moose. They've never been super high on my list of wants, but if I could throw it in on a hunt that I'm already on I would probably go for it.

I still have a few things in the way before I go on something like that, but it might be something I look at for 2013 or 2014. I guess in the meantime I will probably apply for some of these other states, but I don't think I'm going to blow a wad of cash on the Montana supertag. On another forum I post on one guy did the math and for the most part you would be better off going to Vegas and gambling the money and if you won then you could buy an auction tag instead of playing the lotto on the supertag or expo tags.

Some of the hunts I looked at sounded like I would still end up feeling like I would have earned the animal even if I went with an outfitter. One had a spike camp that was a 2 day hike in to get there!

If anyone has any specific recommendations on outfitters to use or ones to avoid I would welcome any input on that as well.

Thanks, Nathan
The new regs will be out soon but I would put in for Idaho unit 50 there were 2 tags last year and 21 apps. That's better odds than vegas and if you draw I could steer you in the right location.
The new regs will be out soon but I would put in for Idaho unit 50 there were 2 tags last year and 21 apps. That's better odds than vegas and if you draw I could steer you in the right location.

Done deal. I'll put in for it. Those are AWESOME odds. It would cost me $3,000+ in Montana supertag buys to get to 10% odds! Probably a better chance at a trophy animal, but my goal would be to just get a nice representative billy.

I haven't asked what a full body mount would cost or even thought about where I would put it if I did get one, but I've got a lot of obstacles to overcome before I even think about that! ;)

Thanks for the offer. Nathan
Just looked some more at Idaho. I guess I have to buy the $155 license to be able to apply for the draw? I knew there had to be a catch somewhere. I guess I could apply for sheep too and that way I would get a chance at 2 tags for my $155 license.

Are there any tricks for Idaho like Utah where you only have to buy the tag every other year?
Don't forget...PM's work well when sharing specifics.

I thought about that too. With only 21 applications one post on the internet could knock those odds out the window. I'll send 6speed a PM and see if he wants to edit his post.

Thanks, Nathan
The info I posted is off the IDF&G site so I didn't figure it was PM worthy. As for where I would suggest someone to start looking I figured that would be more one on one if he drew.
Would be an interesting test to leave it posted as is and see if there is a jump in the applications for this year. Of course that wouldn't help my odds if I apply there though! ;)
If having public info bothers you I suppose I could just add a link. I don't see how its an issue as anyone who is serious about it will find it I just figured I would make it easier. Not sure about your Huntin' fool reference but if he doesn't have a problem posting this kind of info I guess we could be on the same page. I would hope to get this kind of information if I posted a question.
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