So I have never been shed hunting, and I am thinking about it this year.


Active member
Jan 15, 2020
Hello, is there anything specific, or non specific, that I need for shed hunting? I have two labs, one is 5 years old, and the other one 2 years old. Are they too old to be trained?
I think you can train an old dog new tricks as long as they already listen to you. Most dogs are eager to have a task especially labs. There are probably a pile of training videos on YouTube so I'd recommend sitting down for a few hours on there. Join a local kennel club if possible to help will likely meet good people that will be excited to help a newcomer.

I don't know where you live as to whether you're chasing whitetail sheds or elk or mule deer. Understanding their current patterns and wintering grounds is important. If you're talking elk and mule deer on winter grounds please, please, please wait until they move off of those grounds on their own before you snag sheds
I suggest you scout. Look for deer before they drop and note where they are. Then once they move off (in wintering ground situations) then go hunt those areas. One secret I have for all new shed hunters is don't listen to the "the area is hunted out". I always hear people complain that there are too many shed hunters and all the sheds got picked, but then the next spring you see people with piles of white sheds haha. It's proof that there are still plenty of sheds out there.
I remember you saying you live in Wyoming. If you live in western Wyoming, remember you can't shed hunt on public land until May 1. The area affected by the closure was slightly modified this year, so make sure you check the rules before you head out.

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