Caribou Gear

Small Pleasures

Very thankful to be spending time with my son on his first real big game hunt coming up in a few weeks.

Thankful to actually be in a position with our business to pick up some quality hires while some of the larger firms have been laying some people off or delaying hiring.

Did get to spend a bit more time with family and less time traveling over the last several months.
You know @Europe I'm thankful for posts like these here.

Outside of the forum, my life really hasn't changed during the covid. I've been a remote employee going on 6+ years now, I live in a small town, I see my family almost 24/7. My second daughter graduated HS and we had a great party with family and friends. My oldest daughter stepped into the world of entrepreneurship in a field she loves, my 3rd daughter is starting HS and thinks she's found her passion in life, drama, and my son is in 7th grade getting ready to head to CO State Fair this Sunday to compete in Model Rocketry after being named Reserve Grand Champion of our county fair. All of my animals are fairly healthy, my cows didn't have any difficult births this spring. I eat fresh eggs from the coup just about every morning, beef and game every night.

I will never regret missing a day of hunting to be with family, and if they decide to go along then that's even sweeter!

Just about every discussion here won't carry over to the afterlife, and knowing where you're going when you die is the most simple pleasure of all.
It's been a whirlwind of a year but this week has been especially rough. Lost two people close to me, one very old and the other very young. Both to illnesses in their own respect. But I am thankful for the time had and memories that won't fade.

Lots to be thankful for, too many to list really, but mostly happy to be here with good friends and a wonderful family. Looking forward to this fall and hunting in Wyoming once again, I love that place. Also looking forward to the addition of another rug rats this December. Hope everyone keeps their chin up, it's going to be a fantastic fall!
I’m thankful for another wonderful summer of fishing and enjoying God’s handiwork with family and friends. My hunting season starts next week!


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Work has been busier than ever and often I forget this Corona thing is even happening. My youngest son and his wife recently had their first child and grandchild #9 for me. Their son was a bit early, but after 8 days in NICU he went home and is doing very well. Grandkids #10 and 11 are also on the way.
A few for me
1) Had the virus and only cost me about 5 bad days (wife and HP only had a low fever for about 2 days each) and all the rest of both families healthy.
2) Took the step to get back a on motorcycle after about 7 years. I had no idea how much I truly missed it. As a bonus Karl gets about 65mpg while being a hoot.
3) Finally, I'm looking forward to an upcoming hunt with few other used up old vets. So much so that I just put this up. ;)


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