Sighting in


New member
Dec 11, 2000
We did our last 3-D shoot ,so we put away the field tips and got out the broadheads.
We went out yesterday to shoot. Its looking good ,we had to re-adjust our sites a little bit.I went to a heaver broadhead and they were shooting a little low ,afew adjustments and its looking pretty good.
What about anyone else? I hear sometimes you can switch back and forth and have them shoot the same? I havent been so lucky.
But it was nice to be out shooting and tuning up for a hunt.
Now I need to get all my hunting cloths on and try some shots like that.
The time is almost here. :D :D :D
Good for you Debbie !!!! I have always needed minor adjustments for braodheads!!! vs field points i use muzzy broadheads that come with dull practice blades which is great for preseason! not to good for 3d's though!!! I finally reached the point of confidence that i have to reach every year before i hunt!!! so i feel pretty good and will be ready! GOOD LUCK!
Hey Angry Puppy......Glad to hear thet it is looking good......Speaking from a pure physics viewpoint, how could swapping back and forth with different weight arrows still allow the bow to shoot the same without some kind of adjustment, either in speed adjustment or sight adjustment? I am a complete novice here, and while we're on it, what would you hunters recommend in equipment for a fellow with one eye who has to draw with his weak arm? And would like to extend his hunting seasons, and needless to say, successfully>
Whitedeer, if theres a will theres a way!!! lighter draw weight for one to compensate for that weak arm and sights are nothing more than reference points that can be changed to fit the comfort of the shooter!

ex. some use fixed sight pins, some use pendlum sights, some use the gap method and some shoot instictivley! so theres a method for everyone it just takes developing the right one for you!!! good luck!!
Whitedeer,I am no expert on anything.Oh no I take that back(Telling Steve how things should be done )thats my expertese LOL ;) ;)
Really I think you have that right anytime you change weights or arrows you need to re-adjust. I kept the same arrows and switched from 100gr. field points to 125gr. broadheads.
I have heard some guys saying they could go back and forth without moving there sites. It doesnt work for Steve and I.
I amazes me how just changing arrows can make a difference in how my bow shoots.
I guess its like a rifle in the fact that some bullets shoot good and some dont.
You should get a bow --heck I can pull one so you wouldnt have trouble with that,and you already shoot a rifle with a bad eye ,Like DKO said where theres a will theres a way. Just think of shooting that big old grizzle bear with a Bow
:eek: :eek:
There are so many Bows on the market ,the hardest thing is finding a good archery shop that can set one up for you.Go try as many as you can till one feel right.
DKO,I am feeling pretty good with my bow this year (last year)I had a doe at about 30 yards and I just couldnt let go.I now have a range finder and I hope I dont have that problem again

One never knows till you have that live critter in your sites .But you guys know me I will tell you all my blunders so we can all have a good laugh.
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