
I hit them hard in the spring. My best year was around 80 pounds worth, but usual years are around 20 pounds. I eat what I can, sell what I can't. I like the Chicken of the woods and chantrells as much, and there is a lot less bugs to deal with and easier to prepare. Morels are good, dont get me wrong, but when I can sell them for $20 a pound I will sell them over eating them and buy some crab legs or shrimp to eat
Schmalts- Since you mention chicken of the woods, do you ever find/pick any hickory jacks? My dad would bring some jacks home every couple of years and they were GOOD! Bad part, is I was so young I can't remember what they look like. I'll have to get a couple of books and do some research. But, as far as I'm aware there really aren't any poisonous shelf 'shrooms.
I have been thinking about trying to find some but I'm a bit leery about getting a bad one.
I have been thinking about trying to find some but I'm a bit leery about getting a bad one.
If you're in the Boise area, SIMA puts on a class this time of year. They'll teach you how to key them out in general and the 10 best edible mushrooms of Idaho. I took it a few years ago and try to ID everything I come across, but I will tell you the only thing I've been brave enough to eat are morels, which are fun to look for and very easy to identify.

Boletes are common in the summer, but they are often buggy. Chantrelles pop up in the fall, but I've only been able to find them once (and that was in E Idaho). You'll find shaggy manes along roads after rains if you keep an eye out for them.

Morel, False Morel ("Calf Brain"), & Cauliflower Mushroom from Central Idaho



Sautéed in butter or olive oil... delicious.
They're popping up in So. Indiana! Now if I could just quit doing work on the weekends and take some time to look for them....
Schmalts- Since you mention chicken of the woods, do you ever find/pick any hickory jacks? My dad would bring some jacks home every couple of years and they were GOOD! Bad part, is I was so young I can't remember what they look like. I'll have to get a couple of books and do some research. But, as far as I'm aware there really aren't any poisonous shelf 'shrooms.

I never even heard of them. Do they call them anything else?? A lot of guys call the chickens Sulpher Shelfs, I guess because of the color.
For me, I just stick to Morel, Chantrelles, Chickens, and black trumpets. I have looked for Hen of the woods but never found any. The Bolets are supposed to be one of the best, and I have found them but there are too may look alikes for my comfort level so I leave them.
Anyone that lives near oak hardwoods has probably walked by Chickens and did not know what they were missing. Although timing it critical or they get somewhat dry and tough. Even a really wet fresh one you only eat the outer 1/2 or 1/3 and toss the tough stump. Good thing is that when you find one.... man you have a lot of shroom!
I do a lot of mountain biking and cover a lot of ground and because of the color you can be flying down a trail and they still catch your eye. I pull out my phone and GPS the spot and come back the next day with a backpack.:D I have pulled 20 pounds off one tree!
Schmalts- The only other name google found for a hickory jack was oyster mushroom. Here's a pic I found
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