Shoot me down: RIfle v bow

Ben Long

Well-known member
Aug 8, 2011
Kalispell, MT
Tell me if you think this is a true statement, and why: If a fellow wants to take a mature bull elk, he will have an easier time using modern archery gear during the rut than using a scoped rifle during post-rut. (All other factors being equal.)
I'd agree with that only if all the mature bulls were shot during the archery season. :) Having yet to kill anything with my bow I see my rifle as a huge advantage.
Completely dependent on the area. For some areas in SW Montana it could be true from an access perspective, elk on public during archery/ private before the guns start going off.

By and large I think it doesn't hold out. With a bow you will have many more encounters with mature bulls than a rifle, but less opportunities for a clean shot. If you want hard numbers look at the Montana record book. How many B&C class bulls killed with the bow vs. rifle? Granted, there are lots more rifle hunters than bow. I certainly didn't take the time to figure out the amount of mature bulls per capita with either weapon.
All other factors being equal - the hunter's ability level with each weapon, the local of both scenarios, the definition of "mature", the answer is always YES.
Compared to a lot of other hunters on here, I am dealing with a small sample size of my own experiences with Mature Bull Elk. But I somewhat agree with that statement.

1. The Elk are easier to locate/manipulate.
2. Elk that are typically on private land during Rifle Season haven't gone there yet
3. And this is the reason I enjoy bow season so much - There are less hunters, and a hunter can spend more time hunting Elk living-behavior as opposed to Elk-scared-$#!tless-behavior.

Either way in Montana anyway I think to find a mature bull will demand a lot of the same things from the hunter - regardless of the season.
Tell me if you think this is a true statement, and why: If a fellow wants to take a mature bull elk, he will have an easier time using modern archery gear during the rut than using a scoped rifle during post-rut. (All other factors being equal.)

Wow, lots of variables. For me where I hunt, I have a much better chance of killing an elk with a rifle, but I never see anything close to mature bulls during rifle season.

Every encounter I've ever had with a 300"+ bull has been during archery season, so it holds true with me.
I find that it is easier to locate a mature elk during the archery season but getting the bull depends on how well you can call the bull in and skill with your bow. During rifle season it is easier to 'shoot' a bull but much harder to locate one. So why not go during archery season and if you like the area try it during rifle season.
I agree with the statement - w/o reading too much into it.

Rut = brain switched to other head.

The best way for me to share my experience with the comparison offered: I can count on 1 hand how close I have come to elk with scoped rifle outside the rut. I do not have enough fingers and toes to count elk w/in 40 yards during the rut.
Mature elk... more difficult though even still in the simple read of the question, they fall under the same though - tougher though still a bit more stupid than picking me out of a haystack 100 yards away outside the rut.
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A bow for sure, all things being equal. I don't bow hunt, can't get excited about hunting elk when it's 80 or 90 degrees! I've only shot 39 elk out of 45 years of elk hunting. A good bow hunter will get an elk every year, if they want.
As a general rule I would agree with a bow being easier.

That being said, neither is an 'easy' task. It's like asking would it be easier to ride a bike or run from Red Lodge to Vista Point.

You are going to work for both and be sore the day after.
All things being equal, it depends on the "things".

Do the hunters bowhunting skills suck?
Can the rifle guy shoot 500 yards?

In a moderately timbered environment, I would side with a "good" bowhunter.

In a hilly juniper central WY environment, the rifle easily has the edge.
I've researched the success rate of some of the OTC rifle units versus the OTC bow units in Idaho. Success rates are similar. If my goal was a big stinking bull, I'd probably practice with a bull to hunt the rut.
My experience finds it easier to kill a mature bull like a 6 pt during the rifle season by glassing and tracking than archery. I work a lot now days during the archery season, but it used to take me 7-10 days just to get a shot a bull during the bow season. The past several years I've killed smaller and average 6 points in 2-4 days of hard hunting. I've never killed a bull over 300 inches which separates a trophy bull from a mature bull in my opionion. I like hunting in the snow and cold better. Some guys on here shoot trophy bulls every bow season I just think they hunt multiple weeks and hunt hard everyday.
If you are a hard working passionate hunter who tries to use everything to his advantage then imho yes if you are lazy and don't practice much or just a mediocre hunter then you have a better chance bumping into one and harvesting with a rifle.
But then again if you work hard enough and try hard enough with either weapon I think you have a decent chance nowadays.

I tend to think the average archery hunter spends a lot more time practicing and refining skills then the average rifle hunter. Although there are some very hardworking talented rifle hunters there's also a lot of very casual ones to offset. I just don't seem to see many casual bowhunters.
Tell me if you think this is a true statement, and why: If a fellow wants to take a mature bull elk, he will have an easier time using modern archery gear during the rut than using a scoped rifle during post-rut. (All other factors being equal.)

Pretty clearly said all other factors - which one would assume includes (person, skills, location, definition of "mature", etc.)

The reason odds are better is the "mature" bulls are almost always easier to find during the rut. Also, the weather is usually kinder. Your chances of killing something you can't find is lower than your odds of getting close enough with "modern" archery geár.
Ok would an unskilled hunter who occasionally hunts, has a small amount of knowledge about elk and has little time to practice have a better chance with a bow or a rifle?
I would say this person would have a better chance of bumping into one and harvesting with a rifle.

If you are the opposite of all of that I would say you have a much better chance at a mature bull with your Bow.

If Ben were to say would I have a better chance with my bow I would have to assume he would.
Pretty clearly said all other factors - which one would assume includes (person, skills, location, definition of "mature", etc.)

The reason odds are better is the "mature" bulls are almost always easier to find during the rut. Also, the weather is usually kinder. Your chances of killing something you can't find is lower than your odds of getting close enough with "modern" archery geár.

My chances of finding, then gonging him from 500 yards in central Wyoming are a lot higher than finding him then having to get close with a bow in that same open country.
The opposite is true in country that has 50 yard visibility.
If a 9 year old can easily learn to shoot gophers at 40 yards with a "modern" compound in a matter of hours, I'd say an unskilled hunter still has a better chance at a "mature" bull with a bow, than he would heading into the same hills in November. Just my opinion.

If I had to pick only 10 days to hunt elk in MT next fall, it would be in the 2nd half of September, during archery season. Glad I don't have to "choose".
"Easier"? I don't know if its "easier". I have a lot more opportunity during the rut than after, but its always hard to get in close to a mature bull and its usually the cows during the rut that are the problem. I'd rather put on 6 stalks a day and never launch an arrow than let the air out of a bull 500 yards away on opening day.
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