SFW wants AZ tags


Dec 23, 2000
Here you go, AZ. Might want to think about fighting this one. In fact, anyone who applies in AZ might want to jump in.

HB 2072

Introduced by
Representative Weiers JP

amending title 17, CHAPTER 3, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 17-347; relating to big game tags and permits.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Title 17, chapter 3, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 17-347, to read:

17-347. Big game tags; sale in bulk to qualified nonprofit organization; definitions

A. Each year the department shall reserve certain hunt tags for taking big game species as specified in subsection b of this section for a qualified organization to resell rights to the reserved tags by auction and raffle at an annual sportsmen exposition in this state under the auspices of the qualified organization and at annual banquets in this state of any of its chapters. The proceeds of resale shall be used as authorized in this section.� Within thirty days after the effective date of this section, the department shall contract with the qualified organization that has made the requisite payment and advance deposit under subsection C of this section.� The original contract shall specify the terms and conditions consistent with this section for sale in bulk of rights to reserved tags, for the qualified organization to exercise its authority to resell rights to the tags at the annual sportsmen exposition and county banquets and for the department to issue the reserved tags after resale.

B. Tags whose rights are sold for resale by auction or raffle and that are reserved for issue by the department after resale shall be known as governor tags, legislator tags and sportsmen tags as follows:

1. Governor tags shall be reserved for resale by auction, shall be species specific and shall be valid for that species for any hunt area with any legal weapon for three hundred sixty-five days beginning August 15 of each year.� Governor tags shall be issued in the following numbers for all of the following big game species:

(a) Two tags for each of the following species: elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, bison (buffalo) and bear.

(b) One tag for each of the following species: desert bighorn sheep, rocky mountain bighorn sheep, pronghorn (antelope), merriam's turkey, rio grande turkey and gould's turkey.

2. Legislator tags shall be reserved for resale by auction, shall be species specific and shall be valid for any open season for that species for a specific hunt area with the legal weapon allowed for that season. Legislator tags shall be issued in the following numbers for all of the following big game species and apply to all of the following hunt areas:

(a) At least ten tags, and at least one tag for each hunt area, for bull elk in hunt areas that offer all of the following three types of hunts:

(i) Early archery bull elk hunts.

(ii) Either early muzzleloader bull elk hunts or early rifle bull elk hunts.

(iii) Late bull elk hunts.

(b) One tag for whitetail deer for each hunt area that offers late hunts.

(c) One tag for mule deer for each hunt area that offers a general season hunt and is located north of the Colorado river.

(d) Two tags for antelope valid for all hunt numbers as the commission specifies in any of regions 1, 2, 3 and 5 as in existence on January 1, 2012, except that both tags shall not be from the same region.

3. Sportsmen tags shall be reserved for resale by raffle and shall be valid for a specific hunt number.� Sportsmen tags shall be issued in the following numbers for all of the following big game species and apply to all of the following hunt numbers:

(a) One tag for each hunt number for mule deer and one tag for each hunt number for whitetail deer.

(b) At least twenty-one bull elk tags for early bull elk hunts as follows:

(i) At least eight tags for rifle bull elk hunts with at least one tag for each hunt number.

(ii) At least five tags for muzzleloader bull elk hunts comprising at least one tag for each bull elk hunt number.

(iii) Eight tags for archery-only bull elk hunts comprising one tag for each of the following eight hunt areas as in existence on January 1, 2012: 1, 3a/3c, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23 and 27.

(c) Ten tags for late bull elk hunts from the general season with not more than one tag in any hunt number as the commission specifies.

(d) Two pronghorn (antelope) tags from the general season comprising one tag for each of hunt areas 10 and 19a as in existence on January 1, 2012.

(e) Fourteen spring Merriam's turkey tags with not more than two tags for each hunt area as the commission specifies and with hunt dates occurring in April or May.

(f) Twenty-five peccary (javelina) tags comprising ten tags from the general season, ten tags from the archery season and five tags from the ham season as the commission specifies.� Not more than two of the twenty-five tags shall be for the same hunt area.

(g) Fifty antlerless elk tags as the commission specifies.

(h) Except as provided by subdivision (f) of this paragraph, the department shall reserve no legislator or sportsmen tags for hunt numbers that are exclusively for C.H.A.M.P. hunts, ham hunts or juniors hunts as designated by the department or for hunts assigned by the department only for bonus points.

Continued here: http://e-lobbyist.com/gaits/text/508417
Arizona boys better spread the word, Cancer is trying to spread.
Now that is a tag

grab. As someone who has played the game and has 14 elk points it is scary at best.
What 'pool' would these tags come from, res or NR? I didn't see any mention of that.

I like this section the best. Seems like it would be really easy to piddle all those funds away and have nothing to show for it in the end. Similar to UT???

H. The qualified organization shall first apply the proceeds from the resale by auction and raffle of the rights to tags to cover all costs associated with the annual sportsmen exposition in this state and any county chapter banquets at which rights to tags are auctioned or raffled.� The qualified organization shall apply the remaining proceeds from the resale by auction and raffle of the rights to tags in this state for programs to achieve any of the following purposes, including the qualified organization's costs of administration:

1. To sustain or create sportsmen education and outdoor programs for youth of this state.

2. To facilitate access for sportsmen to cross private lands onto public lands.

3. To sustain or enhance habitat in this state and to increase targeted species populations for deer, sheep, elk, pronghorn (antelope) and turkey in this state.

4. To facilitate public education and communications programs relating to sportsmen and wildlife issues.

5. To protect sportsmen heritage.

6. To conduct other programs or activities that promote concepts consistent with the north american model of wildlife conservation.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.

The Utah cancer trying to metastasize south.

I kniow who I'd be voting out of office no questions asked if I lived in AZ!

Let me guess these will all come out of the nonresident quota. My 14 sheep & lope points, 10 elk points would be devalued 5 points.
C'mon AZ, give up some tags. You dont expect the "Denny Austed" type guys to wait in line like everybody else now do ya LOL!

I think...heavy on the think...they will come from the resident pool.

My guess is that eventually, in an attempt to save face with the resident hunters, they will be taken from the non-resident pool.

SFW is an amazing group...they just keep chipping away at the tags and putting more and more of them into the hands of the wealthy.

Now, I hear, that they are having a closed door "meeting" with a bunch of other Arizona Sportsmens groups to clarify all this. The tags belong to the state and the sportsmen of Arizona...yet the decisions are being made by a select few. Business as usual.

Its a joke.
The bill has been put on hold. I'd still send those letters if any of you are inclined to. This bill needs to be killed, not shelved.
If past history is any indicator, the closed door meetings are a way to buy silence from the other groups. A way to bribe them by saying, "If you support us, we will let you have a turkey tag or a pig tag, and you could get some of the money. If you really demand, we might even throw you the bone of an elk tag in a washed out unit."

AZ guys better get on this, or your G&F Commission will become the puppet of some people with a track record that is not too favorable to the rank and file hunter.

AZ hunters and the conservation groups have done huge amounts of work, made great sacrifices, and paid dearly in terms of opportunity, to build your herds to the quality that they are at. Now, some "Johnny Come Lately" shows up with his hand out, and is asking to be put at the front of the line and be able to monetize the hard work you guys have put into this.

We need to post direct links of who we contact to put pressure on in AZ.
This is why it's so hard to put in for a state for 10+years, you know by the time you have enough points to have a chance some crooked bastards with money will come along and change the system to benefit themselves. I feel for all of you with all the time and money invested in AZ. The big picture is we need to stop lobbying all together. But how?
I'm waiting to see how I do in the Powerball drawing before deciding how I feel about this proposal. :rolleyes:

Email sent. Thanks to Oak for bringing the issue to this board & 402 for posting the addys of the crooks, I mean politicos. Quite a fun thread on coueswhitetail.com I'm reading right now. Popcorn will be served shortly.

edit: It would really be great if those 6 issues Bambi listed could get additional funding--those are at the crux of the future of hunting. But not funded a bill as bottlenecked and targeted as this one.
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AZGF voted yesterday to move against this measure and the state legislator who authored the bill has withdrawn it from consideration for "redrafting". THat's code for " I got my butt handed to me".
No way is Peay going to pull this off here. They used the emergency clause to try to sneak it by and all hell broke loose. He was also for Taulman way back when then flipped as soon as the heat got turned up. Peay got a big black eye here from this one.
AZGF voted yesterday to move against this measure and the state legislator who authored the bill has withdrawn it from consideration for "redrafting".
Sounds like maybe he still doesn't get it.

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