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Senator Newberg?

Southern Elk

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2015
Hey Big Fin, I know you got at least one vote in the Republican Primary today. After reading where the candidates stood on public land, I couldn't bring myself to vote for any of them.
Get ready for Maryland Matt to tell you how Montanan he is over the next 5 months
He'll be the first senator to get bribed with dilly bars. dilly dilly :hump:
Shane Mahoney is well spoken enough to become president. Rinella articulates things very well himself. I say Mahoney - Rinella 2018 with Newberg as Secretary of the interior. Ryan Callaghan for the press secretary and Janis Putelis as director of U.S. fish and wildlife. While they campaign they can hold thier town halls at DQs and give out free dilly bars as a way to raise support. If that isn't a bullet proof political strategy I don't know what is. Hey Newberg, let me know if y'all are hiring a campaign manager for this run.
Unfortunately Mahoney is not eligible to be President, being a native Newfoundland-er. He'd get my vote, though.
So, Rosedale won the Republican primary. His website says he will oppose the transfer of federal lands and that he supports greater access to public lands. I've read threads on here before that dispute that. Can anyone expand on that? Is Tester the better choice for public lands?
So, Rosedale won the Republican primary. His website says he will oppose the transfer of federal lands and that he supports greater access to public lands. I've read threads on here before that dispute that. Can anyone expand on that? Is Tester the better choice for public lands?

My opinion: After years of proselytizing the virtues of transferring public lands, Rosendale recognizes it is now not politically advantageous to support, and has changed his tune. He has a history of poor judgement in the Montana Legislature, probably still believes public lands should be transferred to the state, and his current tenure on the Land Board shows he hasn't wised up all that much.

Tester on the other hand, introduced the Forest Jobs and Recreation Act years back, which in my opinion, is an excellently balanced piece of legislation, and has never supported PLT.
Matt Rosendale is the worst candidate on public lands the MT GOP has nominated in recent memory. When I get to a computer I will provide links to votes and opinion pieces.
Rosendale was a big proponent of transfer when he was in the Legislature and he was a consistent vote against access, conservation and scientific management of wildlife while there. His votes on the land board are causing no end of problems for landowners looking to put their properties in conservation easements with FWP that provide access, instead trying to ensure that mineral right owners will have dominance over the surface owner in perpetuity, which is anathema to the legislative process. He was one of the people who tried to steal Habitat Montana funds last session to use for political purposes so he could claim to be pro-access, while eliminating the ability of FWP to buy more Wildlife Management Areas or conserve large, working landscapes.

Tester has been a champion for hunters, access, public lands and wildlife his entire career. He's been a leader on the Land & Water Conservation Fund, he got wolves delisted, he passed the first pro-public land bill for Montana in a generation (Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act) and he's been a giant when it comes to standing up against this full-frontal assault on conservation under the last few congresses, and now with this administration.

If you value access, habitat, conservation and ample opportunity to roam on public lands, do more than vote for Jon Tester, get out and volunteer for him.
Tester is a proven supporter of public lands and the LWCF. Regardless of political orientation, I find it difficult to believe any hunter, sportsman, outdoor recreationist on this forum would support Rosendale over Sen Tester.

However, for sake of reality acceptance ... the fact that Rosendale paid his way into becoming a Montanan legislator, then State Auditor, forces me to believe this "alternative truth" while still being baffled at the voted will of the Republican Montana people.
It does validate the position of this "lifelong-Republican-voter-no-longer"!

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