Second time around.

old man

Active member
Aug 14, 2011
shelton CT.
Wrote this post a couple days ago but lost it before i posted i will try to finish now.This was the last Elk hunt i will do was one trip that i did not get much enjoyment out of simply because i did not bring enough depression pills to fight off you can see he follows me everywhere. I even had to stop off at the VA hospital to get more restless leg pills.

To start things off i will say almost all my bad luck was probably do to old age and poor planning. Was Elk hunting unit 7 with cow tag, fist day traveling to area i had scouted during archery season followed GPS into a mud hole that left me stuck in mud over my axles for about 12 hrs before i was able to find help. Next i ran into a hunter who was in need of help to load his 6piont bull on to his truck that he had just shot 90yrds from the road. with all that work it dawned on me that at my age i could no longer handle an animal that big by myself , so from now on it is just deer and antelope. of course i didn't have much luck there either. had whitetail buck tag for unit 15 witch dosen't have much public land but douse have plenty of river bottoms which i thought would be good enough to find a respectful buck . unfortunately most river bottoms were ether full of pheasant hunters or so thick a rabbit couldn't get thru it. i did find one area that had a tree stand over a scrape with both Elk and deer sign around but also had plenty of pheasant hunters so i continued to look for a better place which i never did. on to my antelope hunt in unit29, found out later this was a private land hunt because the tag was only good for a vert,very,very,small piece of this unit which did not seem to have any antelope on it.looked for a couple days before decided to call fish and game who hooked me up with the Biologist. whom was going to get me a couple land owners who would let me hunt their land .well day and a half later i had to call her back because she had forgotten me. any way she had one name for me whom she said was fairly easy to get in contact with so i didn't rush it and tried to find his land thru on X maps, no such luck. finally called him and of course got his answering machine, so left a message and went back looking for a better deer area with no luck. By this time i couldn't take it anymore and called the land owner back and left message, sorry we didn't connect, had enough of this state have a merry Christmas i am heading home.
Merry Christmas to you too, but it's not the state that was the problem and the first sentence of your second paragraph hit the nail on the head!
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