SB941, Oregon Guns


Feb 3, 2015
Easern Idaho
Hey everyone, not sure how you all can help. Oregon is under assault of our gun rights. Senate Bill 941, will make Oregon the most restrictive of any sale transfer or use of any gun, more than any state in the nation.
The liberals of Oregon are making citizens criminals and blatantly lying as they blindly vote, while denying the ability of the citizens to vote.
Recalls of the bills sponsors are in progress, but the law will take affect 90 days after signed by our governor. Then we have to fight to get it overturned.
Sorry I don't have a link, but it should be easy to look up on the net, SB941 Oregon.
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Washington passed a similar citizen's initiative last fall and it is being challenged right now in the court system. It is a poorly written law that makes many transfers (including the temporary loan of a firearm) a felony. Under current law, if a friend stops at my house and I loan him my shotgun for him to go hunt, we are now both felons. If that transfer takes place on the tailgate of my pickup in the stubble, its a-okay.
thank you for the link to the governor,,message is sent,,, but time is closing on this one,,welcome more red tape for gun transfers.sounds like shes gonna sign it anyway no matter how many people oppose it.
Yep signed & takes affect in 90 days.
I just want to say, the writers of the constitution experienced Tyranny and didn't want it to happen in a free country/society ever again!! When a governor personally browbeats legislators into voting 'party line' that is NOT seperation of powers. Oregon is overrun with liberal agendas & our liberties are being taken.
The strictness of this bill is far beyond gun shows. It will literally become registration of all firearms and it is not contained to Oregon. It mirrors Washingtons bill & adds more to any/all transfers of guns.
Within this bill, if you are doing a background and it is denied or delayed? You will have to do a background on yourself to get your own gun back!!
Yep signed & takes affect in 90 days.

The bill says:

SECTION 23. This 2015 Act being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public
peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist, and this 2015 Act takes effect
on its passage
Yep signed & takes affect in 90 days.
I just want to say, the writers of the constitution experienced Tyranny and didn't want it to happen in a free country/society ever again!! When a governor personally browbeats legislators into voting 'party line' that is NOT seperation of powers. Oregon is overrun with liberal agendas & our liberties are being taken.
The strictness of this bill is far beyond gun shows. It will literally become registration of all firearms and it is not contained to Oregon. It mirrors Washingtons bill & adds more to any/all transfers of guns.
Within this bill, if you are doing a background and it is denied or delayed? You will have to do a background on yourself to get your own gun back!!

I didn't see registration in the bill. Could you point to that piece? It also has a long list of exclusions for what needs a background check and what doesn't, but my reading wasn't terribly in depth. Could you show me those passages as well?
I'm not expert, but I read through this and it seemed to really just extend the current rules for gun purchases to private transactions. Is it a hassle? Definitely for people who make private gun transactions. Is it the end of the world as we know it? probably not.

Within this bill, if you are doing a background and it is denied or delayed? You will have to do a background on yourself to get your own gun back!!

Where would your gun go that you would have to get it back? It seems to me that you are not ever supposed to hand over control of the firearm that you legally own until the background check process is complete.
If you do not feel a background check is registration, I cannot help you there. When you purchase a gun your name and the serial # of the gun are sent and registered together.

In this bill you will do the background through an ffl dealer. Anytime a ffl dealer handles a transaction they are required to do a check on whomever takes possession of the gun. I currently have a rifle on consignment at a gun shop. If I take possession back I will have to do a background check, I still own the gun.

To refer to this as 'merely' an extension of background checks? Yesterday I could sell or trade my guns freely, today I cannot. Who is benefitting? Not 'We the people'
I recently took a rifle off consignment from a gunstore and had to have a b/g ck to re-establish possession. Took about 10 minutes, no biggie.
Here in Illinois the new law says I can't give one of my guns to my own kid without doing a background check. Used to be we just kept a record of the pertinent info for 7 years, maybe 10. Not any more.
I'm glad Oregon is finally considering removing the oppressive regime of gas station totalitarians and letting the citizens pump their own gas. :)

I've gotten yelled at before when I forgot and jumped out to start pumping my own gas.:rolleyes:
I tired of watching the attendant talking to the ladies while I'm waiting for him to start filling up my tank. Too good to be true however, counties with more than 40,000 people still have to let the Gasoline Engineer overfill their tank to get the balance to an exact dollar amount.

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