Caribou Gear Tarp

Sask fall bear

Sask hunter

Well-known member
Sep 20, 2016
Tonight went to see if I could sneak a bear in the oat fields. Didn’t even make it to my primary oat field. I stopped to check a trial cam about half mile back in the bush and on the way back to the truck this guy came out. Quick dash to the truck grabbed my 338 win mag and made a quick sneak and got setup for a 280 yard shot. One shot and a quick dash and she was down. Turned out to be a big dry sow. First bear I have ever shot that I could drive my truck up too which was pretty nice I must add. A517D86A-D686-4E98-B195-86763061D906.jpeg
I’ll need a third bear tag in case I see a big one while elk hunting lol

I was in 49 last week and have seen TONS of sign, got a 30 yds shot at a decent sized boar but decided not to shoot due to my chaffing ass crack and unwillingness to field dress a bear at night and packing it out of the forest walking like a cowboy. I'll be back next week, with a fresh ass crack! Yee-haw!