NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Sad day for my family

Thoughts and prayers. I caught the tail end of the Vietnam War but not the hard part. I still remember getting shit on when I came home in my dress blues going through LAX. I got spit on and called baby killer by a number of protesters in the airport. Of all the wars, Vietnam vets endured the hardest IMO. I will always have special respect for those guys.
Sorry for your loss, you and your family will be in my prayers tonight.
My condolences to you and your family, and thanks to your brother from one vet to another. I have nothing but respect for the Vietnam vets for what they endured in the war and how wrongly they were treated here at home.
At times like these I have a heart full of grateful sadness. Grateful for the service your brother gave this Nation and sadness for the loss you, his family and friends are going through. Thoughts & prayers!
Sorry for you and your families loss of your brother. Time heals. Thankful for men like your brother to protect and fight for their country.
This morning our family had to say good by to our beloved brother Douglas Olsen. He has struggled with health issues for several years and he passed in his sleep peacefully. His true pride was having been a veteran to his Country in Vietnam. So if you can do one thing for him, thank a veteran for their service and remember, without people willing to setup and give their time, their bodies and lives what would we have??? His little brother Wayne
My deepest condolences to you and your family and friends. I’m a veteran myself and I thank everyone that I come in contact with who is a veteran also. God Bless with my deepest sympathies.
Thoughts and prayers. I caught the tail end of the Vietnam War but not the hard part. I still remember getting shit on when I came home in my dress blues going through LAX. I got spit on and called baby killer by a number of protesters in the airport. Of all the wars, Vietnam vets endured the hardest IMO. I will always have special respect for those guys.
Agree 110% my Uncle fought there and he never wanted to say anything about. I also understand why.
This vet is in now sitting at the head table in the best of places. His service will never be forgotten by real Americans.
This morning our family had to say good by to our beloved brother Douglas Olsen. He has struggled with health issues for several years and he passed in his sleep peacefully. His true pride was having been a veteran to his Country in Vietnam. So if you can do one thing for him, thank a veteran for their service and remember, without people willing to setup and give their time, their bodies and lives what would we have??? His little brother Wayne
Sorry for the loss to you and your family.
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