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Rudy and a mess of Redlegs


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2012
Had a great chukar hunt again this weekend with three of my buddies. Snow on the chukar hills/cliffs always adds a new challenge to the sport and can raise havoc on a pointing dog's paws and legs. But my GSP, Rudy, was up to the challenge. This pup has really come into his own this year with some strong points and long distance retrieves. The bird numbers have been great this year and we have been fortunate to bring home quite a few birds. Though it is not the most important part of the hunt, having the opportunity to come home with a limit of birds is a nice bonus. This weekend, three of us were able to bring home our limits (8) with my buddies son bring home an additional six. Thirty bird days are few and far between in chukar country for four hunters on a one day hunt, but we have been close to or achieved that number several times this year. Instead of seeing coveys of ten birds, like we have seen in recent years, we are seeing coveys of 30 to 40. Did I mention the fact that bird numbers are up this year? If you have a chance to get out, this is the year to do so. Here are a few pictures of our weekend.

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Rudy on Point


One tired pup during a short break in the action

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The final outcome.

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Outstanding, now you just need a nice side by side in that picture!

How were the birds holding in the snow? How high up the slopes were you finding them? Henry and I have a boys day out planned for Friday.
Birds were holding great because it was warm enough that the snow had not crusted over making it hard for them to run on the surface. Elevation didn't seem as important as direction of the slope and snow depth. South facing slopes still had some areas where they could dig down to expose the ground to feed on the green up underneath. As far as a nice side by side, I am afraid that will have to wait until I get both my childern through college.
Super job Rudy and shooters!! Well done!

Since I have a 1yo gun dog, I'm guessing all the pics I'll be getting from my pard in ID of dead chukars over the next month will put me into a very grey funk...or green with jealousy. Not sure which is more unpleasant for those that live in my house.
Good day for the whole crew. A lot more snow predicted for tomorrow in my area. Until the slopes open up and I see how the birds fared I'm done.
The best of winter activities. Love it, and I second both the statement about needing a SxS and the reality that it'll have to wait until kids are through college.
That's awesome. I've got 4 days off this week including the weekend but with single digit highs I'm not sure if the 6hr drive to SE WA is gonna happen. Sure is tempting though. My GSP is only a year old and really needs the experience. Our 2 day trip to chukar land a few weeks ago resulted in more birds than he'll see in a whole season of grouse hunting around here.
Good day for the whole crew. A lot more snow predicted for tomorrow in my area. Until the slopes open up and I see how the birds fared I'm done.

We are expecting some more snow in our areas as well this week. I agree that it is a good idea to give the birds a break when food is hard to come by or the temps drop down into the teens. Crusty topped snow will also tear up the dogs legs in a hurry. Will have to see how much snow is dumped this week. It was supposed to snow a couple of inches when we went hunting but instead it was in the high thirties with no precipitation all day.
Awesome! Congratulations on the hunts and the time out with friends and furfriends!

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