Round Table on June 17 – Thanks to Arizona Anglers for Attending


New member
Dec 22, 2001
An Anglers Round Table was held at the Arizona Game and Fish Department Mesa Office last night, from 6 pm until 9:45 pm. 18 anglers and 8 AGFD employees participated. We are working up the summary notes, and as soon as possible I will post them here and distribute them via e-mail to everyone on my Round Table Mailing List. For now, I just want to say many, many thanks to the anglers and AGFD employees who participated: Anglers -- Jack Selleh, Sherman Hamlett, Chuck Blakesslee, Rick Ross, Bill Warman, Jerry Nelson, Ron Casner, Chuck Howey, Denny Anderson, Ron Robinson, Houston Rankin, Ken Levy, Darren Wilson, Allen Moser, Steve Bozek, Dick Kennedy, Del Wilcox, J.D. Hillis; AGFD employees – Larry Riley and Kirk Young (Fisheries Branch), Jim Warnecke and Ty Gray (Region 6), Scott Bryan and his sidekick (Research), and Rob Bettaso and Scott Gurtin (Nongame Branch).

The agenda and the meeting were long. My apologies for both. However, every angler present joined in the discussion and asked good questions and/or offered good comments. It is very rare that we have full participation in a public meeting – our hats are off to all of you. The discussion was serious, generally well focused, always in good humor, and we covered lots of ground (water). My personal favorite was the discussion of state records, and what to do about angler access to certified scales, but you’ll see more about that later when I post the notes. For now, sincere thanks from AGFD for attending, especially considering the fact that you could have gone to the Night Fishing Workshop at Waterdog Willy’s. I hope we see all of you, and some other anglers, too, at the next Round Table, on August 12, at a Mid-Town or West Side location yet to be selected. Until then, good fishing to all, Samario (Terry B. Johnson; [email protected]).
As always thanks for having us.....

I just walked in the door from saguaro lake... Probally should have went to lake pleasant instead....
Time to goto bed

I too wanted to express my thanks for setting this up.
I learned a lot and enjoyed hearing the different (somewhat heated) opinions other anglers had.

Keep up the good work.

Dang you pigs went through those quick, I wasn't that late was I?

It was a good meeting and I'm glad I finally got to meet some of you.

I'm especially happy that T**** J****** didn't get his big AZFGD thugs to boot me out because of our little escapade last week. You did a great job, as always. I was really impressed with the meeting and with what AZGFD is doing for us.

Thank You.

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