Anglers Round Table on Monday January 13 in Phoenix to discuss sportfishing issues in


New member
Dec 22, 2001
On January 13, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) will host another Anglers Round Table to discuss a variety of sportfishing-related issues with anglers. Round Table discussion topics tend to range from slot limits to tournament fishing, habitat improvements, certified scales, law enforcement issues, proposed rule changes, and PWC Control, to even more serious issues, like “Who has caught what lately, and where, when, how, and at what depth was it caught?”

These meetings occur 4-5 times per year. They are open to the public (come one, come all) and are very informal. The fun starts at 6 pm (sharp), so participants are encouraged to bring and consume “brown bag” dinners and non-alcoholic beverages, if they wish. AGFD usually provides free sodas and water.

In keeping with our Eastside/Westside rotation, the January 13 Round Table will be held at the AGFD Wildlife Building, in the NW Corner of the State Fairgrounds, at McDowell Road and 19th Avenue. Entry into the Fairgrounds is via McDowell or 19th Avenue, depending on what is happening there that night and how the Fairgrounds access-controllers feel. McDowell is usually the safest bet for entry and always for exit.

The Wildlife Building will open for this meeting no earlier than 5:45 pm, and the meeting will begin at 6:00 pm sharp.

Several AGFD employees will attend the Round Table to discuss a variety of warm-water and cold-water fisheries issues. Discussion priorities will be set at the meeting, and the discussion time for each item will be STRICTLY MONITORED AND ENFORCED to ensure that all the priority items are covered.

This meeting will focus on issues left over from the October 17 Round Table, plus any significant or otherwise interesting issues that emerge between now and then. If you have issues (and what angler/boater doesn’t?), please send them as agenda suggestions to [email protected]. A detailed draft agenda will be posted on this website in December (most likely), and will be emailed (most definitely) to a distribution list established specifically for that purpose. If you wish to be included on that distribution list, send an email to [email protected].

Discussion items can also be suggested at the Round table. Whether they will be discussed or deferred is subject to available time, attendee preferences, and whether the right (appropriately knowledgeable) AGFD employees are present. Items not covered that night will be carried over to future meetings.

The Round Table will end when business is as done as it can be for the night, which will be no later than 2100.

Post-meeting cleanup assistance is always appreciated (thanks again to all who helped out last time).

Again, if you want to be included on the email distribution list for Anglers Round Tables, please send your name, mailing address, and your phone and fax numbers to [email protected].

Good fishing! Terry B. Johnson, AGFD, Chief of Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Management; and Lawrence M. Riley, Chief of Sportfish Management