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Roughin it

More day 6: Jason and brian took off back up the hill to look for the 3x3 and brian got a glimpse of him but it was to late. But he did run into some javalinas and finally got one on the ground. Brian also had a failed stalk on a 4x4 in the morning.
After we got done with deer we had a taco night for dinner and celebrated a good day of hard hunting paying off.
Day 7: I slept in until 830am and started packing up camp while the others gave it one more go on a morning hunt. Their morning hunts were fairly uneventful seeing just a few deer and a small buck. I cooked up a huge brunch and we ate and got on the road at 2pm. 20.5 hours, 2 crappy snow storms on the passes, and a lot of mountain dew later were were home safe and sound. 20200112_151936.jpg
Sounds like a great time! I've only been down there for early rifle, I'd like to try my hand with a bow in January some day. Looks like it sure beats Indiana (and Idaho) winter weather!
Sounds like a great time! I've only been down there for early rifle, I'd like to try my hand with a bow in January some day. Looks like it sure beats Indiana (and Idaho) winter weather!
Getting to hunt the rut in nice weather and getting away from our drab weather was probably 50% of the reason we chose to go on this hunt. Sure is a nice mid winter break.
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Nicely done! My dad really wanted to go to a unit where we could chase mulies but I was too hung up on shooting a dang coues deer :D We only saw one group of mulies in the units we hunted and they were on private. There was a pretty decent buck with them though. Can't wait to make it back out there sometime. I'm trying to convince my wife to forgo the beach vacation this summer in exchange for a trip in December during her winter break :LOL: She doesn't think the boys could handle the 28+ hour trip in the car though. Especially the 18 month old. He is not a fan of the car rides. Congrats on you all's success!

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