Yeti GOBOX Collection

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation disappointment.


New member
Jul 10, 2016
So I'm curious if anyone else has had the same issues with the RMEF. I joined for a $35 annual supporting memebrship. I rexiev3d nothing except an emailed receipt. After better than a week I finally emailed them as I wanted to know if I would ever recieve anything. This membership supposedly came with a year of onXhunt maps but I haven't been able to achieve this part of the membership. My email finally was answered, but of course, I didn't exist in their system. After sending them a copy of the receipt, I was finally given a member number so I c i uld sign up on their website and then recieve my code for my onxmaps. Well, their website is complete garbage full of broken links and such. Just wondering why such a highly spoken about and successful organization makes me feel like I'm a little guy and don't matter. Let me hear if this is similar to anyone else's experience. Also for the same thing BHA still has yet to respond to me at all. Just took my 25 bucks and nothing. Very disappointing that the biggest allies we have in the public land war never responds to its supporters. Ah well, guess America will continue to fall.
Why are you joining these organizations?

This ^^^^^^^.

When I joined APR and they asked if I wanted this or that I told them to put my money toward the work.

On the other hand, I do agree that if you say you're going to do X, then do X.
CC - Never had any issues with BHA that's for sure. Since you're 2 for 2 with issues and no one else on here has complained about this, I'm starting to wonder about the common denominator on this issue...
Never had a problem with either really.I have even received back issues from RMEF Bugle when I was just late on regular membership dues. All I had to do was call RMEF and I had backissue & new card with my old number the next week.

I don't know about the onxmaps offer as I already have a chip for my GPS and don't use any apps.I can get upgrades easy if I want to for my chip.
This makes me wonder about previous posts mention of common denominator.............

I do know why I am a RMEF & BHA member.
Call RMEF HQ and ask for Ralph Cinfio. He oversees all people in the membership department. He or someone in his staff will help you.

With 220,000+ members, I suspect there are a few things that occasionally fall through the cracks. Sorry that you were one of the few.

Thanks for signing up.
I had an issue once with a shirt that I ordered from BHA. A simple phone call resolved the issue and they put my shirt in the mail that day, even threw in a couple of stickers. What I didn't do was come on a public forum and trash the very organization that I was supporting. In my opinion the most important thing that these organizations do is fight for our rights as hunters and they both do a damn good job. I'll keep sending my money to both, even if I never get another magazine or freebie.
If it were me, I'd have waited more than 1 week before questioning if something got lost. I would have made a call and, then, if nothing happened, posted my story for others to comment on. Again, that's just the way I work.
If your on this forum, why wouldnt you be an RMEF or BHA member?
If your on this forum, why wouldnt you be an RMEF or BHA member?

Because this is America and a person doesn't have to, that is why. I have had issues with RMEF for many years. And yes, you are the little guy and you don't matter. You will seldom see average members go on their televised hunts etc., etc. They are about the money and that is it. Years ago I wrote them a letter and they did not even have the decency to answer the letter. I have been a member on and off since-usually when they give me a knife or something.

I know nothing about BHA, but the RMEF does good things overall. I just cannot stomach the better-than-thou approach to running an organization that is begging for everyone to join their ranks and then treating average members like garbage.

Welcome to America.
Because this is America and a person doesn't have to, that is why. I have had issues with RMEF for many years. And yes, you are the little guy and you don't matter. You will seldom see average members go on their televised hunts etc., etc. They are about the money and that is it. Years ago I wrote them a letter and they did not even have the decency to answer the letter. I have been a member on and off since-usually when they give me a knife or something.

I know nothing about BHA, but the RMEF does good things overall. I just cannot stomach the better-than-thou approach to running an organization that is begging for everyone to join their ranks and then treating average members like garbage.

Welcome to America.

You are correct. This is America and no one has to be a member of anything. It is wrong to ridicule a fellow hunter for not being a member of the same organizations that you are.

However, I feel that you are way off base to say that RMEF doesn't care about the little guy. That has not been my experience at all. Who do you think they are enhancing habitat for and providing permanent access for? The average guy like me and you, that's who.
When I joined BHA back in the spring it took almost a month to get the initial packet/response in the mail. Maybe they should send out an initial email or something. I could see how some would find that frustrating but it never bothered me.
Any time I have ever joined an organization it has usually taken 4-6 weeks for anything to show up other than the payment receipt. By that point the freebie or magazine has slipped my mind so its never really been an issue for me. I would send RMEF, BHA, or any of the other organizations my $35 or whatever just because the thing we all get out of it is someone fighting for our opportunities and access.
You've waited "better than a week". That's not too long. Get a hold of them, be patient, realize that your experience is an outlier.

I'm a member of both organizations. Two best in conservation IMO.

Also, correlating your late mail with, "America continuing to fall"......


  • dramaqueen.jpg
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I certainly can see why someone would think of RMEF of "higher eschelon". But what they do to purchase, match grants, study of elk, and promote hunting is more than worthy of $35/yr. BHA is one of biggest voices hunters have for access and public land staying public. These reasons alone should make anyone hunts on public land become a supporter.
Visited RMEF in Missoula two weeks ago and donated a few more bucks. Plus, both of my trucks are sporting RMEF license plates. Good organization doing good work for elk conservation and habitat.


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I am a member of both RMRF and BHA, never had any issues with either of the. They are two of the best organisations you can be a part of.