Caribou Gear Tarp

Rinella on CNN this morning


Active member
Jan 2, 2012
Pittsburgh, PA
Steven Rinella is going to appear on CNN's morning show, today 7:50am EST.

I'm glad he'll have a chance to promote hunting on a "main stream" morning program.
Just caught it i like how the guy doing the interview said so you went to alaska to try to catch a caribou why do non hunters call it catching lol
It was pretty cool. They showed clips from the show, and served squirrel ragu and caribou jerky. Both hosts tried the jerky, but only one tried the squirrel(which he cleaned his plate).

Rinella was well spoken and did a great job representing hunters. They promoted his show and the Sportsmans channel a few times.
Steve is a great guy. Great voice for hunting. With his knowledge and articulate manner, he disarms most who have biases against hunting.
Rinella is just the guy we want exposing the non-hunting public to hunting. He puts hunting into terms that almost anbody can understand.
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Steve is a great guy. Great voice for hunting. With his knowledge and articulate manner, he disarms most who have biases against hunting.

I agree.

Just out of curiousity how does he get away with showing all the blood and guts on The Sporstman's Channel while every other show seems to have to be more politically correct where you see the bang, hero pose, and then maybe a general packing out picture?

Watched him last night on a recorded episode wack a buffalo then take the bile sack, cut it open, pour it on the liver and then ate a piece of the raw liver - he almost upchucked. That ought to get some response from the politically correct crowd.

We don't waste much but if I gotta start using the pizz sack I'm drawing the line.
Just out of curiousity how does he get away with showing all the blood and guts on The Sporstman's Channel while every other show seems to have to be more politically correct where you see the bang, hero pose, and then maybe a general packing out picture?

Maybe because he is actually hunting and not sitting over a feeder? ;)
I agree.

Just out of curiousity how does he get away with showing all the blood and guts on The Sporstman's Channel while every other show seems to have to be more politically correct where you see the bang, hero pose, and then maybe a general packing out picture?

Watched him last night on a recorded episode wack a buffalo then take the bile sack, cut it open, pour it on the liver and then ate a piece of the raw liver - he almost upchucked. That ought to get some response from the politically correct crowd.

We don't waste much but if I gotta start using the pizz sack I'm drawing the line.

I dont want to put words in Rinella's mouth but I dont think he is trying to get away with anything. I think he is trying to show the entire experience of hunting, not just the kill, followed by showing off the trophy. I guess the Sportsman Channel and his producers give him the flexibility to demonstrate a hunt in its entirety.
My opinion is that, despite the blood and guts how he shows, the entire use of the animal thru consumption can be more appreciated by most reasonable people. They may not like to see it but I think they can understand it better. I dunno? Maybe I am way off base.

Personally I like that he shows that stuff. Its a far greater reprsentation of hunting as I know it. About %90 of the hunting shows out there miss the mark on what I know to be a true hunting experience. "OYOA" and "Meateater" are really the only hunting shows I enjoy seeing mainy becasue they are genuine and I can relate to them.
Just out of curiousity how does he get away with showing all the blood and guts on The Sporstman's Channel.

I think it's how they present it. I've seen some very gory things on PBS. Since the content is presented in a certain manor, it's accepted socially.

I read somewhere that The TravelChannel was concerned about Rinella's field dressing on The Wild Within, but the ratings were actually better for episodes containing more blood and guts.

99% of outdoor programs include a touchdown celebration after they just killed an animal. Followed by a NASCAR type sponsor name drop, over top of a kill. Not exactly behavior that appeals to the 95% of Americans that don't hunt.
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I think showing some of the processing is necessary because the theme of his show is hunting for food. So how it gets from when he killed it to when he is eating it is all part of the story. Most shows are simply about the kill, so when that happens the show is over.

I think that fact that he is hunting for meat instead of a trophy also appeals to the non-hunting crowd.
I agree.

Just out of curiousity how does he get away with showing all the blood and guts on The Sporstman's Channel while every other show seems to have to be more politically correct where you see the bang, hero pose, and then maybe a general packing out picture?

Watched him last night on a recorded episode wack a buffalo then take the bile sack, cut it open, pour it on the liver and then ate a piece of the raw liver - he almost upchucked. That ought to get some response from the politically correct crowd.

We don't waste much but if I gotta start using the pizz sack I'm drawing the line.

It doesn't happen on the Outdoor Channel. If I remember right they would barely let us show packing out an elk. It was ok as long as there wasn't blood coming through the meat sacks. Imagine that blood on a meat sack :rolleyes: Heaven forbid we show someone actually packing out an animal and furthermore showing someone taking home the meat to be processed and enjoyed. IMO the Outdoor channel is missing the mark big time with their restrictions.
I agree.

Just out of curiousity how does he get away with showing all the blood and guts on The Sporstman's Channel while every other show seems to have to be more politically correct where you see the bang, hero pose, and then maybe a general packing out picture?

Watched him last night on a recorded episode wack a buffalo then take the bile sack, cut it open, pour it on the liver and then ate a piece of the raw liver - he almost upchucked. That ought to get some response from the politically correct crowd.

We don't waste much but if I gotta start using the pizz sack I'm drawing the line.

From what I've heard him say, and what I asked him(both online & in person) they are not necessarily making a TV show about hunting but rather He's hunting and they film it, if that makes sense. He said he doesn't want to have TV Host on his headstone. He wants to be known first and foremost as an author.

His responses are well thought out and articulated, I'm glad to see him at the forefront of our sport.
OYOA and Meateater are great, but you have to include The Crush with Lee and Tiffany. Those guys really show what hunting is all about. I especially like that they remove the ear tags from their pets before the grip and grin shots. It does bug me a little that my wife likes to watch Lee in his tight T-shirt though.
OYOA and Meateater are great, but you have to include The Crush with Lee and Tiffany. Those guys really show what hunting is all about. I especially like that they remove the ear tags from their pets before the grip and grin shots. It does bug me a little that my wife likes to watch Lee in his tight T-shirt though.

I totally agree. And I think Big Fin and Rinella should get big tour buses with their pictures all over it to take on their hunting trips, just like Lee and Tiff.
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