

Well-known member
Mar 2, 2013
Colorado Springs
I can't remember if I told any of you or not, but a few weeks ago I took a part time job cooking at the Air Force Academy bowling alley. I love to could and did it for money waaaaaay back in college. I figured it would be a good way to get me out of the house for a couple days a week and make a little pocket scratch. I am lucky enough that since our positions are federal they are going to pay us our "average" number of hours per week. But no comp for the tips lost. That is was brought me to this post. While I don't make a lot of tips (and really don't expect them at all) it is simply a nice extra for me. However, there are a lot of people out there who pay their bills with the tips they make. In law school I was one of them. Had you taken that income stream from me I would have had to sink into some pretty serious debt to live.

The main points of this are 1) Pray for a quick resolution of this situation and for those folks well being. 2) Support all of the LOCAL, SMALL BUSINESS establishments you can through take out orders. This is their only lifeline. Big chains can survive but our neighbors need our help. Also, while I generally don't tip when picking up to go orders, I will be doing it through this crisis. I hope you ALL are well.
I read a great suggestion on another gift certificates now to help fill the register and use them later when things calm down. Unfortunately the very small companies may not be able to survive.

Locally most of the bars and restaurants are still open with hopes of having a few customers...I'm doing my best to stay out as I have self control issues (a self diagnosed binge eating/drinking problem) so I'll probably drop by my local establishment tonight to buy the next 5-10 people a round and leave without partaking myself.
I told my wife that if the stimulus check happens, I wanted to blow it in restaurants and in tips. She looked at me like I was crazy, then I reminded her our niece currently has no income as the restaurant she works at is closed. We have committed to having some dining out experiences at local establishment when they open back up.
Right now, my wife and I are both still able to work, so we’ll be eating out a little more than usual in hopes to help our community members out, especially the establishments we hit when times are good.
Wife and I are still working, and no plans to change ( I work from home - high tech, wife works for a CPA). We are doing takeout and leaving tips, also dropped off gift cards for local grocery store for our favorite watiress and bar tender, figure we would have spent that anyway!

Got takeout at a local chinese place, owner was there telling everyone who would listen how stupid the checks to people are, they should be giving $200K to all small businesses, I told him the money lets people keep their homes, spend it in places like his and they are also trying to bypass student loan payments and foreclosures, he went on a rant about student loans, it's not his fault people went to college. We then cancelled our take out order and spent our money at another local restaraunt
Good idea. We've been conscious about supporting our local businesses too.

We're about to go on lock down here, but Kate the Great is keeping the cannabis stores open so that should help the take out places and drive through establishments.
I'll be in minority, especially in these type forums, but I'm a firm believer in supporting your local economy. From town to state. And yes, state is kind of my line in the sand.

I'm a CO native with deep roots here. Have twin daughters and NCAA athletes in a small mountain university. That town is hurting in huge numbers. However, the community is rallying amongst itself and this is not surprising. Inspiring actually. You can't take care of others until you take care of yourself.

Hunting seasons and draw deadlines are coming due. Will not nor will I say not to come. I will tell you to take care of your home and community 1st. They need your money more immediately than we do. We'll take care of us and you should take of your own. Shop local, shop often and be proud.

Hunting plans have been modified to support as many local causes as needed. Not a popular stance I'm sure. Hopefully by fall things will be looking up.
The wife and I both have gov't jobs, money isn't going to run out so we try to encourage local restaurants as much as we can...

Things aren't going to get better any time soon. My only hope is that the Canada/US border re-opens and stays open for fall, I have more of my $$$ I want to pour into your economy! haha
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