Rest step?


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
Anybody use the rest step technique when climbing terrain? I heard of it for the first time awhile ago and if you don't know what it is, here's the gist of it: When going up steep terrain or in snow, take a step and then momentarily lock your knee. That takes the weight off your muscles and puts it onto your bones and skeleton.

Supposedly it's a "slow and steady" approach that keeps your heart rate lower and doesn't fatigue your muscles as bad. Not sure it'd be the best with a heavy load of meat but who knows. I've never heard hunters use it but it sounds like it's a common technique for mountaineers. Anyways I was just curious if anybody has tried it.
Never heard of that technique. Might have to try it. Now that I am looking back on 50 I find it is a lot easier to convince my self that I need to set down and use my binoculars.
Not a terrible technique, but a lot of ligament injuries are caused by just that...locking out the knee with weight on it. I am definitely not saying you shouldn't do this; but over time it is going to put a lot of unnecessary stress on the joint which could be rough on aging bodies. I would much rather see people utilize trekking poles to help out with weight distribution. Glad you brought this up and this is just my 2 cents.
I've never heard of this but it sounds like the exact opposite of what I would want. I KNOW for myself and THINK for many others that joints get sore long before muscles do. IMO
I use it on occasion, it doesn't always fit the situation. Many people probably already do it some and don't realize it--the knee lock is not as pronounced as it sounds, it should feel natural. I use it on long, moderate, semi mindless uphill slogs where the crux is just time and pace.
Thanks guys for the input. I agree that locking your knee just doesn't sound the best but like Snowy said, there is probably a time for it.
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