Representative response rate


Active member
Jul 21, 2016
For those of you that have written to your elected officials, I was curious what sort of response rate you've gotten. I don't write emails too often but for those that I have sent, I've really only heard back from one (and I wasn't a constituent of theirs, or even from their state). I'm not including the auto responses either. These emails have been to officials at both the state and federal level. It's not to say I expect to hear back each time, I was just curious if others have had different experiences.
I sent emails to the 10 or 12 MT senators on the fish and game commission regarding SB 143 and only one wrote back, and that was an auto response.
I wrote an out of state official an email about tattoo parlor restrictions I disagreed with during the lockdowns and I heard back pretty quick. I wrote my senator an email a few years earlier and never received anything that wasn't auto-generated back. I think it really depends on the level of the individual you are writing and if they might be getting a ton of mail about the same thing.
I have gotten responses that weren't canned. I sent Al Franken an e-mail about sage grouse and I as blown away by his response, in a good way. He's gone now tho unfortunately.
I have had good luck with responses from state representatives. Even engaged in some prolonged back-and-forth conversations with some. My current rep doesn't like me too much though.
Mine has been poor generally. Better response rate if I wrote in support of something I knew they supported than if opposed. I think my favorite was a state rep I sent multiple emails to that never responded until after she voted for what I wrote to her in opposition of, especially since she gave a reason of just being overwhelmingly busy and just couldn’t handle all the work being a rep was. She’s never seemed to express that when she seeks re-election
State Senators and Representatives have been good getting back to me. On the federal level : Bernie Sanders and Pat Leahy not so much ( I'll not add my opinion of both of those guys).
About 40% response rate for my US senators and congressman.

About 90% response rate at the state level.

Agree with @TheTone. If I'm writing in support of something they agree with I generally get a longer response.
I’ve got personal responses from my state senator, but at the federal level it’s been canned responses if anything at all. The best interactions I’ve had are when I’ve called and had actual conversations with staffers.
Mostly get canned non committal responses. Pols don't like to tell you straight. Once received a tailored non committal letter about a somewhat obscure issue. 🙄
From my federal reps nothing but canned responses.

If I write my state reps I usually get something personal but noncommittal back. Honestly, most of the time I'm writing to a government official I'm mad and want to register my opposition. Often I'm writing a state representative on whatever sub committee is first taking up the bill. They often don't represent me and good really give 2 turds what I have to say so now I just send a quick note stating my position and invite them to get back to me if they would like to learn why. This year one of them actually did and we had a nice exchange. I like to think I educated him and my input had something to do with that bill not making it out of committee.

Unfortunately, we usually only reach out to our Reps when we're mad and in opposition. I now try to make an effort to let them know when I approve of their position or vote. As I said, I also don't send reps who I can't vote for much more than a note on my position. I now will send my reps a more detailed note about bills while that bill is in sub-committee to get it on their radar early. I also know for a fact that several times they have reached out to someone on the sub they know to let them know what they're hearing.
This has been disappointing to read. I had hoped that my experience was an exception.

If my boss (the one at work, not my wife) begins to question why I am no longer responding to emails anymore, there will be a sense of comfort knowing I will have the support of the U.S. government and its elected officials.
100% response rate. Federal level takes a month or more. State level is a couple of weeks. My state senator actually hard writes personalized letters to everyone. Kinda cool, kinda a waste of time.
I heard back from on State Senator on the SB143 bill.

I write to the Federal reps on a fairly regular basis. A while back, I got the EXACT same response twice for two different e-mails to Daines. That one made me chuckle.

Our daughter, who seems to have her dad's political gene, got the same canned response from Daines.

The take away is most of the times, letters roll off a politician's back like water off a duck's back.
My current congressman, Deldago is at 100%. I always receive a response back from a staffer and I have also spoken with him in regards to my contacts on more than one occasions.
My former congressmen, I was lucky if even received an email back. I bet 8 out of ten of my calls or emails went unanswered.
For my senators. I am about 50/50 with Gilenbrand. I always get a form response back however detailed follow ups not so much.
Schumer on the other hand is 100%. I will always get detailed follow up back as well a contact from a staffer. I have also been fortunate enough to both speak to him and meet him in person in person.
Just got an immediate e-mail reply from new State Senator regarding SB312,one sentence in support.
I am on speaking terms with my state
Gotten a few non canned e-mails from Senators,Congressmen,state & Fed. in my 66 years.

6 letters handwritten directly,2 Senators and 3 Congresspersons and one President.
I had regular phone calls from one Congressman for 6 years. The old days.

It's usually a canned e-mail or staff on the line these days.

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