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Remember to Hydrate

If you do gatorade 50 50 mix with water ya have a good balance.

Guzzling water doesn't really work, unless you are dehydrated. It will make you pee though.

Actually your urine is the best indicator. If its dark yellow, sit down and start drinking

As for beer? Bad idea except bud light or coors light, those are pretty much water anyway so go for it :)
I am going to disagree with your comment in general. You should always drink at least 8 oz of water with each meal. That assists with digestion and a host of issues with your body especially when you are active. You should drink at least 8 oz of water before you go to bed, when you get up and before you go out on your hunt and a total, at least 6-8 eight oz glasses a day in intervals spread out over the whole day. Simply drinking water at night or the night before is insufficient. If you go too long between water consumption, you are going to get dehydrated because you are going to urinate and sweat, passing it out of your body. If you notice, animals drink water several times a day. That is the best way to do it.

If you attempt to consume your "quota" of water all at once in a day, that is going to cause more harm than good. Excess water will be passed into your blood stream and into your stomach and then small intestine fairly quickly. Then it eventually is process into your blood and through your kidneys and into your bladder.

Drinking too much water all at once can also be dangerous. Overhydration can lead to water intoxication. This occurs when the amount of salt and other electrolytes in your body become too diluted. Hyponatremia is a condition in which sodium (salt) levels become dangerously low. This can make you pass out and/or be vulnerable to strokes and other issues just as much as dehydration can.
Eh, I kind of agree.
BLUF: Skip the booze the night before & hit the water hard instead. (Serious)
I’ve gotten dehydrated out hunting in the past. I always drink a lot of water in the morning before I leave the truck, probably 4-5 bottles if it could turn into a long day in roadless country. I tend to forget to drink while hunting so drink a lot of water before starting and carry 3-4 bottles with me. Never want to experience dehydration again.
I know I appreciate y'all that do hydrate properly. It wasn't no fun bringing a guy off the mountain because he was dehydrated and passing out. That was an experience I do not ever want to have again. EDIT: Got to add a note that I hate, hate, hate spell check. Sometimes what you type gets changed to something else.
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