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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2016
And risk being shamed....

From September 2016, the dreaded "tell me about this unit I just drew...." 😬
Howdy all!

My ol' man drew an any bull tag for this unit for 10/15-10/24 and I'll be headed up with him! We're planning to be north east of Montpelier in the Diamond Creek area.

It's been 20+ years since he hunted here and I was too young to remember most of it, lol. I'm curious what we can expect as far as other hunters in the field and the amount of game we'll see? We'll also be looking for muley bucks since we have OTC tags as well. We'll be showing up and camping in the unit from 10/14-10/20. What you do you think our odds are to get a bull on the ground in that amount of time? It doesn't have to be a monster, it will be his first elk so it's a trophy either way :)

Of course any tips or advice are appreciated as well. Thanks everyone!
And risk being shamed....

From September 2016, the dreaded "tell me about this unit I just drew...." 😬
Welcome to hunt talk. Did we ever hear back and get a story?
Do we get to harass you all over again? 😂
For dumb folks like me who also post too much mindless drabble on here, the way to find your first post (if you’ve had more than 10 pages of posts) is to use advanced search and ring fence the dates. Took me awhile to figure that one out.

My first post was a response to a thread on UT not allowing tags sales to deadbeat dads with unpaid child support. Nothing worth reposting. Thank God it wasn’t asking for honey holes! Should be a fun thread though.!
You haven't met my kids... They are brilliant, informed, committed, and they are fighters. Don't be too quick to give up on generations that we haven't seen yet, just do your part to plant the important seeds.
Amen. This whole thread makes me gasp at the uncertain reality. Living in such a beautiful and hunter-savvy state makes you forget about the rest of the country and it’s views on hunting; the laws that revolve solely for the advocates and not at all for the conservation of the species… terrifying. But, as long as we teach our youth to be outspoken, educated and responsible sportsman and women there is a glimmer of hope that hunting and trapping will live on in at least some part of every state…


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    My first post on HT.
I was lucky enough to fill my tag yesterday. I spent 8 days scouting leading up to the season and did not see a single moose in that time. Yesterday morning I saw 2 bulls and 4 cows. I shot the largest one in the bunch.

It was a beautiful morning with frost on the willows and his antlers. He died on small island of timber surrounded by muck and swamp. My pack out was only about 350 yards: 200 yards of swamp and water and 150 up a steep bank. I would guess each rear quarter was 140-160 pounds, and I packed each out whole, which was a mistake. Each shoulder was a trip, and the backstraps,rib meat, tenderloins, and neck were another. The last trip was the head and cape, which I wrapped in a tarp and, one heave at a time, hauled it to the truck.

What a gift to be able to hunt moose in Montana.



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I would wager I overestimated the quarter weights, but nothing too embarrassing.
My first was over 20 years ago here now, likely isn’t worth the research. If I remember right it was some disagreement with bcat... imagine that🤷🏻‍♂️

That being said, I was digging through a box of assorted garage treasures today and came across this relic lol... direct from the Moosie himself 4C6EE139-D20E-44DE-931C-93516F92A764.jpeg3CE3D295-772A-4700-BE1B-528E9B5D5F43.jpeg
My first was over 20 years ago here now, likely isn’t worth the research. If I remember right it was some disagreement with bcat... imagine that🤷🏻‍♂️

That being said, I was digging through a box of assorted garage treasures today and came across this relic lol... direct from the Moosie himself View attachment 189981View attachment 189982
I've posted this under the guides and outfitters section as well, but want to be sure that anyone planning an Eastern Oregon hunt (or looking into using a booking agent) sees this before making the same mistake I did last year in booking with this outfit. Steve's Outdoor Adventures is ran out of Hermiston, Oregon as a full service booking agent and guide agency. I booked a deer hunt with him on one of his own personal leases last September (2000) and it turned out to be a nightmare!

Though he had bragged it up as a "wildlife mecca" the property was over-hunted and game scarce at best. Guides spent more time drinking than guiding. My personal guide didn't know the property, didn't have a vehicle that would get around on the lease, didn't have any personal equipment (i.e., binoculars, spotting scopes, etc) nor even any food. It was absolutely the most poorly planned hunt I have ever been on with a "professional" outfitter and that's in hunting over 25 years in six different western states! I thought I had done my homework on this (this weren't my first rodeo...) but I guess I failed to uncover what I really needed to have known.

I have written a complete four page description of this "hunt" that will soon be posted on my web site. Please feel free to email me a for a copy of this trip from hell.

Best of hunting to all of you in 2001!
Marv B. (aka the NCalHunter) :mad: :mad:
Looks like it was this one!
Wholeeee chit! Forgot all about that nightmare. I won that hunt at a California mule deer assoc banquet and what a freakin mess that was. I won’t dredge up the past (spare the gory details) but let me just say it was a five day deer hunt and I packed up and left on the second day for VERY good reasons. S-h-i-t S-h-o-w and then some. Thanks @ajricketts now I probably won’t sleep tonight 🤣🤣👍🏻
Wholeeee chit! Forgot all about that nightmare. I won that hunt at a California mule deer assoc banquet and what a freakin mess that was. I won’t dredge up the past (spare the gory details) but let me just say it was a five day deer hunt and I packed up and left on the second day for VERY good reasons. S-h-i-t S-h-o-w and then some. Thanks @ajricketts now I probably won’t sleep tonight 🤣🤣👍🏻
The SECOND day?! DAMN haha at the time I bet you were blistering smoldering mad but that’s pretty darned funny.
Hi there, I hope you guys found success in 2018. I’m planning on hunting this unit the first 2 weeks of archery season 2019 and I was wondering what kind of pressure to expect? I spent 3 days/ 2 nights hiking/scouting out there the 3rd weekend in August and only saw 1 other person hiking on one of the main trails. I’m thinking I might skip opening weekend to avoid Labor Day Rec. hikers. Any other tips/info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Anybody ever see that Chris Herren documentary?

“that one post...
opened up doors... that I couldn’t close... for 2 decades.”
Way better than I thought it would be.

"I agree if you start hiking before daylight And you make it to the ridge top During primetime You will see lots of animals The only other thing I can say is To stay away from the trailhead If I find an area with no trailhead, atv, motorcycle trails I'll always have that drainage all to myself.

P.s. I'm new to this forum and just want to say hi to my fellow idaho outdoorsman."


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