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Quick 'yote hunt


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Slept in a bit this morning, but eventually made it out for a quick hunt. Wind was calm in town, but as usual it was very windy in the hunting area.

Parked the pick-up and walked down a coulee and crawled over an edge 1/4 mile away. Spooked a few deer, but sat down and got ready to call. Before I even got the call out I saw movement about 250 out. There were two yotes trotting right towards me. Once, at about 200 they stopped side-by-side and I thought about a two in one. I was too slow and they kept coming. They both disappeared behind a hill at around 150 and then popped back out at maybe 75. Unfortunately, as soon as the first one came into sight, I was busted and the other didn't show himself. I put the 8th round through my new gun and she was done. The male didn't waste time and was hauling ass, I threw one at him, but he just turned it up. If only I would have had a "terrorist" gun with me.;) There were two other coyotes with these two, but at the first shot they burned up the prairie as well.

Tried one other spot, but just too windy. As long as I was out I checked on the critters. Quite a bit of snow up north, but temps aren't too bad. Mapped a few pronghorn winter areas and found some good herds. The two biggest herds were 101 and 103 critters. They look to be in good shape and I hope to find a good one in less than 6 months.:D


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That is one mangy looking animal. The yote has a good coat though
Looks like you'll be eating coyote steaks tonight Craig. Yummmeeeeeee!
Actually I never like to kill 'yotes unless they are standing still in my crosshairs and the gun is loaded.:D

No problem shooting 'yotes, I am just not very good at it and don't get out very often. Actually most of my hunt was due to just wanting to see how the snow conditions were and how the critters were wintering.

i wish i could wear white pants here.....right now carhartt tan is the way our winter's going...
Two 40rnd clips and my AR15... you could have really put the fear of God into them. Rat-a-tat-tat.. and a pile of hot brass.

Or a single shot 12 gauge and a fancy cross-country (Dukes of Hazard style) V8 sneak with the barell out the window.

You loser! You let them get away -- just like that?!?

Isn't Havre still considered "Eastern" Montana?
Pretty good bullet to critter ratio for the new Kimber so far. Isn't that set-up a little too tactical looking?;)
I guess you're warming to the new gun! ;) Congrats!

So, tha is quite a bit of snow for that area? Looks to be plenty of feed above the snow. As long as the temps don't plummet, I'd assume they'd be fine.
So, tha is quite a bit of snow for that area? Looks to be plenty of feed above the snow. As long as the temps don't plummet, I'd assume they'd be fine.
Yeh, this spot isn't too far from home. Quite a bit more snow as I drove north. No worries on wintering critters, but there were quite a few lope that have migrated down from Canada.
Did you check their green cards??? ;) Glad to hear on the good wintering, now I just need a tag or three! :D