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Push back on House Rules - What you can do

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well, the House of Representatives screwed public land users. No other way to say it.

Many have emailed, PM'd and messaged "What can I do?" We are doing some YouTube vids about what you can do, but here is an immediate thing you can do that could unwind what the House did, as it relates to changing the accounting mechanisms for public land disposals.

The Senate has not finalized its rules. The Senate rules can require the Senate to operate under rules that don't play games with the accounting mechanisms that the House adopted. If so, the two branches of Congress need to sort out which way they are going with respect to that rule.

The House will try to say that they have control over spending and therefore their rules apply on spending issues. The Senate will disagree. They can sort that out.

I am asking that you email your Senator with something to the affect below;

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed H. Res. 5, the House Rules package. In that package the House removed the requirement that revenue losses related to disposal of Federal lands need to be accounted for in all land transactions. I am writing to request that you keep intact the rules related to lost revenues on disposal of Federal lands and reject the change passed by the House of Representatives.​

Word it how you would say it if you were talking to your Senator. The more personal, the better. The links to your Senators can be found below. No matter where you live, the Senate rules will be voted on by your Senators.

Please share this with others, as the Senate will be finalizing rules soon. I know some national groups will be pressuring the Senate to stop the silly accounting games the House finds so cute. Your support in calling or emailing your Senators would be helpful in this effort and to further inform them how important public land issues are in America.

Senator link here -
If in Idaho, and you want to QUICKLY send an email to Senator Risch, here is the link to his email-contact form.

Saves you from getting blocked in a spam filter.

Risch Email, Click Here

If you want to contact Senator Crapo, here is the link to his form:

Crapo Email, Click Here

Takes 2 minutes to fill out the form, cut and paste Randy's text, and add a few words of your own, to personalize.
Sent. Echo everyone else's thoughts on thanking you for your templates. Sent an email to any and all outdoors folks who I know as well.
What we need is some people who don't live in the West to contact their senator's.
Every citizen/owner of public land got screwed and the Senate needs to hear outrage before it's too late!
As stated above thank you for all you do not only to protect your stomping grounds but all of ours. It may fall on deff ears but sent anyway.

Montana Rep. Ryan Zinke, President-elect Donald Trump's nominee for Secretary of the Interior, voted in favor of the change.

Zinke had opposed federal land transfers during his first term in office, including bucking party lines to vote against them. He resigned his post this summer from the party's platform committee at the Republican National Convention over the GOP's support of the transfers.

Zinke spokeswoman Heather Swift said Wednesday that despite Zinke's vote, his position on federal land transfers has not changed. She did not respond to follow-up questions seeking clarification on his position.

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