Caribou Gear

Privatization of Wildlife Management


Mar 22, 2016
south cental MT
With increasing big money land ownership and miserable shoulder seasons is privatization of Wildlife Management on the horizon. Will FWP go under as we know it and in turn will serve as Headquarter Managers overseeing wildlife consultants working for profit. I find it disturbing, but a possibility east of the continental divide.
I don't foresee wildlife management being run by private companies in Montana in my lifetime. Another cause I would not be in favor of in any form.
With increasing big money land ownership and miserable shoulder seasons is privatization of Wildlife Management on the horizon. Will FWP go under as we know it and in turn will serve as Headquarter Managers overseeing wildlife consultants working for profit. I find it disturbing, but a possibility east of the continental divide.
I don't understand your "With" statement. 'Don't see the causation relationship between wealthy landowners and the EMP driven shoulder seasons elk management rationale leading to privatization of the State of Montana's role as manager and protector of wildlife entrusted by we, the people. This is the first I've heard of privatization of wildlife management "possibility east of the continental divide." Where did you come up with that?!
The majority of wildlife is already privately managed in Montana. If there were not private land and the restrictive hunting in much of those places, most everything would have been wiped out long ago.
This is so true. The end result of Opportunity Management will be tragedy of the commons on public land where the best opportunity will be hunting the boundary fence and pay to play opportunity on private land. Thirty years ago I would get up early so I could hike a hour or two in the dark to be at a prime glassing spot where I could see miles of Public land at daylight. This year I got up early so I would be the first person at the access point on a less than half section island of Public land. Never saw that coming thirty years ago.
As for the the OP's original question. If FWP continues to pursue the opportunity above all management philosophy I could easily see FWP's role winding up much like what the OP fears.
You boys ever been to Utah?

1/4 state is under CWMU where they are given control of animals, seasons, hunter pressure.

Our Wildlife board is majority SFW meaning a special interest group has final say in ALL Wildlife policy.
scary thing is what does government do right?

At risk of derailing this thread, it’s pretty naive to think private sector is any less prone to mishaps than governmental entities. It’s called the human factor.

Reference Blackwater for one quick example.
This is so true. The end result of Opportunity Management will be tragedy of the commons on public land where the best opportunity will be hunting the boundary fence and pay to play opportunity on private land. Thirty years ago I would get up early so I could hike a hour or two in the dark to be at a prime glassing spot where I could see miles of Public land at daylight. This year I got up early so I would be the first person at the access point on a less than half section island of Public land. Never saw that coming thirty years ago.
As for the the OP's original question. If FWP continues to pursue the opportunity above all management philosophy I could easily see FWP's role winding up much like what the OP fears.

Way too much truth in this.

Good thing the private ranches will have master hunters though.

At risk of derailing this thread, it’s pretty naive to think private sector is any less prone to mishaps than governmental entities. It’s called the human factor.

Reference Blackwater for one quick example.

Add Halliburton to Blackwater (and then look up a pile of others in the Iraq "theatre").

A lot of you guys are too young to remember the $700 hammers and the $300 toilet seats that private contractors like Lockheed Martin and others rolling into their bills for building airplanes and ships.

Private, for profit universities were all the rage, now they are involved up to their ears and beyond in lawsuits and federal investigations and actions.

There is nothing magical about private sector anything. They ain't saints, either.