Prime time shiny coin trick


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
Who's watching the celebrity apprentice debate? Think I'll wait and have CNN 'splain it to me.
Think I'll retreat to my safe space in the basement and do some reloading & cleaning.
We cut the cord a few weeks ago and no longer have TV. I miss sports but that's about it.

I'm not interested in "A Tale of Two Idiots". I'll get the cliff notes in December.
We cut the cord a few weeks ago and no longer have TV. I miss sports but that's about it.

Congratulations. I did that for two years but lost out to the wife. We did watch dvd movies that we rented, but no T.V. I think that is a good thing.

Anyway, as to the debates, since I don't plan to vote for either of them, I'm not sure if I will watch. Maybe just because. I would like to see them both implode but I don't think that will happen.
I'll wait for the talking heads. Better things to do. Won't change my vote anyway
Wouldn't we get a more intelligent conversation by setting up two whoopie cushions and playing musical chairs... ?
Our small dog walked over to the the power strip and flipped the switch, turning the DVR box and TV off, turned around and sneered at us for forcing her to listen to this "debate". Most of the time it made me wish I didn't understand English.
Cyber security was a lobbed softball...Donald sat there with the bat on his shoulder. She was under his skin all evening...."bigly".
Madame stayed on message pandering to her beloved fringe but not once missed an opportunity to maintain her patent smug facade.

Lester Holt is a Madame cheerleader...fact.

We are %^*#'d.
Caribou Gear

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