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Possible wildlife issue that may turn into a marriage issue

It has to be illegal to intentionally release domestic animals into the wild? I understand they were feral before being captured, but once her organization crosses the line of taking ‘custody’ of them, in the eyes of the law I would think they’d have some responsibility with what they can do with them.

That aside, it’s probably not worth fighting with your wife over.
Unless you’re tired of your wife, then plunking a swarm of cats in the head seems like the best way to amicably conclude your marriage. 😂
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Not the point of my question mate. I was wondering whether or not he would fight that battle harder than he would the cats since feral horses would have more significant impacts and not have many natural predators.

Who says he doesn’t, but if he is smart he better not say a thing to anyone ever.
It sounds like your wife is a cat not a dog making for a great woman and partner as she is independent and strong=willed. I agree that feral cats should not just be neutered or spayed and returned to the natural or same environment-not because they hunt and kill birds and other critters-but because they can be good pets and hunters around people's homes. I unfortunately have become the "cat whisperer" I have more than I want to announce and are all pets but yet started as feral kitttens that were born outside our home-INSIDE the city limits from a feral female we couldn't catch for a few years but kept having litters. We have adopted some out and they are good as pets the main thing that anyone needs to know is that cats are forever feral to begin as they can survive unlike canines-remove their homes and they can live without human support-dogs on the other hand rely on humans even when running feral they need humans trash,ect. However killing birds and other stuff is no reason to kill them you don't live on an island where effects the ecosystem.
Cats, feral or not, are killers of wildlife.
We have had cats, 10 years ago after the last one I said to my wife 'no more cats', a few weeks later, without discussion she walked in with a kitten, that caused a little friction for a while, she won't do it again, as this time when a visit to the vets is required she has to pay, not me!
Just like wolves, they are efficient killers, they decimate the song bird populations, sometimes just for fun, they don't even eat what they kill.
The RSPCA in the UK will nurse ill/injured foxes back to health, and then release them back into the wild (which is actually illegal as they are vermin) but we shoot on sight any fox we see.
My wife doesn't mind me fishing, but she doesn't like me hunting, I don't like the amount of cash she spends on clothes shopping, but it's give and take in a marriage.
As to your issue, I would go out Coyote shooting, maybe a little identification issue could happen?!
My local game keeper goes out with the lamp after foxes, but sometimes a 'moggy' gets in the way.

Now to Europe, come on, sailing and drag racing, especially the latter, no harm in posting up some of those photo's, some of us eager to see them and the varied exciting life you have had to date.


As Ron Swanson says, a dog less than 50 lbs is a cat, and cat's are pointless. This is informative in a lot of situations re: both cats and dogs.
Mr. Swanson is wrong on this one. There are a lot of phenomenal gun dogs that are less than 50 pounds, mine included.
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I'm in favor of indiscriminately shooting feral cats, hogs, and horses. However, I'm more in favor of happy marriages. Tell your wife what you think, but don't rain on her parade. Good women are hard to find. If you've got one, do what you need to her around and don't do things that will giver her cause to resent you.
Good Luck with that one Bud. All I have to say is if you're really going to go against her, I agree with you, have the stones to be open and up front about it.
Oooff. We had a problem with ferals and my wife didn't like the idea of sending them to a farm in the countryside where they could find some use pushing daisies. That was until they started using the french drain underneath our bedroom window as a litter box/sign post. First couple times she opened the window and was greeted with the refreshing odor of cat urine her opinion of feral cats quickly changed.
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Can't go back but this really a premarital discussion. Don't backdoor her. It won't end well.
She was my sugar moma when I married her working as a project geologist for a large firm in Bellevue with no cats and nothing to do with an animal shelter... not everything in life gets hashed out in advance of marriage.
It has to be illegal to intentionally release domestic animals into the wild? I understand they were feral before being captured, but once her organization crosses the line of taking ‘custody’ of them, in the eyes of the law I would think they’d have some responsibility with what they can do with them.

That aside, it’s probably not worth fighting with your wife over.
Unless you’re tired of your wife, then plunking a swarm of cats in the head seems like the best way to amicably conclude your marriage. 😂
You would think so, but it's not actually illegal when released on private property (unless the private owner is against it) and WDFW actually said they view it as a positive, better than them remaining out there unfixed.
So I will say that I posted my question mostly for the entertainment value of the HT answers. You'all haven't disappointed.

While this is a relatively constant argument we have, in no way would I ever seriously jeopardize my marriage over some cats, nor would she. BUT... I've still ended up in the figurative doghouse a time or two for my suggestions, and maybe an editorial or two in the newspaper.
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