Possible wildlife issue that may turn into a marriage issue

Issue has resolved itself.

The turkey vulture that was sitting on my block wall in the background alerted me to this this morning.
I suspect the bobcats and coyotes come right into the subdivision at night. Last year all I found of a quail killing cat was it’s tail.

Oh so sad 😅
From the article:
"I can understand a bird lover or a duck lover or whatever being upset by a cat's nature," Landrie said. "But the shooting? You know with all the shootings in schools or at work, or in churches or at concerts, you have to wonder if this is a precursor to something."

Good stuff right there.
I know that nobody give a damn but I won out on the cat argument. Me and my gf are getting a place together and the cats are going in the basement as night. I dedicate this victory to all the men who have had to deal with awful cats in their domestic situations.
That’s a win! When my wife and I got married and moved in together, one of my rules was no pets in bed with us. Cats stay out of our room, and she wants to keep the spare bedroom cat free Incase family who is allergic comes to visit. That means our bedroom is cat free and the room where the reloading bench is cat free too. The demons still claw at the door at night but I wake up and spray them every time. After 9 months they are finally learning. Not a cat person, and even my wife has come around to never getting another cat after these two kick the bucket.
That’s a win! When my wife and I got married and moved in together, one of my rules was no pets in bed with us. Cats stay out of our room, and she wants to keep the spare bedroom cat free Incase family who is allergic comes to visit. That means our bedroom is cat free and the room where the reloading bench is cat free too. The demons still claw at the door at night but I wake up and spray them every time. After 9 months they are finally learning. Not a cat person, and even my wife has come around to never getting another cat after these two kick the bucket.
That's a "W"
Four kittens show up on our deck, approx 4 weeks old. I can tell they belong to my neighbor's cat. I tell my wife, please go inform the neighbor, which she does like 8 days later. In the meantime, she is feeding them 2% milk. I ask, can they even drink that stuff? She says yes. 2 kittens go missing. Wife finally talks to neighbor and volunteers to keep the cats! I realize my error - should have told the neighbor myself to come get her kittens. Smelled rotting carcass today and spent over an hour finding dead kitten and then pulling out and putting back a deck board to dispose of it. I look up online, and, sure enough, cow milk can dehydrate kittens. Looks like up to three more deck boards in and out again in the next week after I find the other ones.
"It's illegal to shoot any gun in city limits, Lam said, even a pellet or BB gun. "

Ah, so its an archery only area, got it.

Not so true. Different for every city. For Douglas: "No person shall discharge within the town any bow and arrow, air gun, or any other gun discharging BB’s or other size shot, except within the confines of one’s property. " Exceptions apply to licensed ranges. Every municipality has different quirks in the law.
Not so true. Different for every city. For Douglas: "No person shall discharge within the town any bow and arrow, air gun, or any other gun discharging BB’s or other size shot, except within the confines of one’s property. " Exceptions apply to licensed ranges. Every municipality has different quirks in the law.
Except within the confines of one's property? Well, there you go. Looks like you can shoot a .300 Win mag if you keep the bullets in the backyard.
Except within the confines of one's property? Well, there you go. Looks like you can shoot a .300 Win mag if you keep the bullets in the backyard.

LOL. That code is restrictive and applies only to archery or air guns. You better be on a range with a .300 Win Mag. My response was to a post indicating shooting BB guns and pellet guns in city limits was illegal in every city. They are illegal in most cities but not all of them.
You guys are heartless! I love my cat! She’s the best hunter I know!
She doesn’t believe in conservation at all tho... and I’m getting tired of her killing the baby rabbits in our yard during spring because those are supposed to be mine come fall!

LOL. That code is restrictive and applies only to archery or air guns. You better be on a range with a .300 Win Mag. My response was to a post indicating shooting BB guns and pellet guns in city limits was illegal in every city. They are illegal in most cities but not all of them.

A lot of CO towns have noise ordinances, and shooting setbacks, so .22lr and bows are legal... but you have to be 100yards from a structure unless you have permission and per the aforementioned weapons it can't be loud.

To your point, lots of variability and depends on jurisdiction.
This is one of the funniest threads on HT!! I’ve read the first page and the last page and am saving rest for those bad days when I need a pick-me-up. 😃
And God bless all of you that maintain (and share) a non-pc sense of humor in this increasingly pc world. 👍🇺🇸
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