PEAX Equipment

Pope & Young convention


Sep 29, 2005
Prescott, Az
Anyone heading to the convention in Rochester, Minnesota? I just boarded a plane and am heading east for four days of bowhunting nirvana. Hope to see some OYOA guys there. Ed F
Popped in today, because I only live 30 miles away, and have never been to one.

Pretty cool.

I spoke with a few exhibitors, entered a raffle, and spent the rest of time drooling over a couple of beautiful rams from Montana on display. Unbelievable mass on the one, and with a bow to boot, wow.

Quite a few magazine and tv people walking around enjoying the convention also.

Thank you to all the volunteers for their time away from family and work. Spoke with one acquaintance that had been there since 6 am tuesday setting up and still had two days left to go.

Alot of good people involved all around.

Thanks again