Yeti GOBOX Collection

Peaceful like a panda


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2016
Most of us live our day to day, go thru the motions, do what we gotta do, get caught up in the news, the politics, everything else. Today I read something my daughter wrote for her school paper and it just stopped me. Such thought provoking writing, she said so much in so few words. Hopefully you like it.

Find your peace.
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In a twist of irony maybe, I found peace in knowing I have no control over most anything.

Making peace with the parts of life beyond my control is a big part of helping me not stress over the things within my power and responsibility to control.

Learning to trust in the truth of Romans 8:28 has helped me accept that hardship is sometimes beneficial before the benefit became reality.

That was an excellent essay.
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Wow! Be proud of that daughter! She is going places and has a great mind! When reading things like this, it brings me back to my high school English teacher. He was one of those greats who you think about often as the years go by. He taught us so many things that I still ponder and consider today, but reading this one thing pops out from him. “To write beautiful things is to show, don’t tell, with your words.” Your daughter does a great job with this as she paints a picture of each animal by describing it and it’s surroundings rather than telling the reader exactly what it is at first. Beautiful photography too!
Congratulations to you, your wife, and your daughter

Not just for the well written and thoughtful school paper, but for listening to her parents, as this message was written by a young lady who has had good guidance in her young life and she listened.

Very nice ! :love: