Packers Seahawks

The look on my wife's face as I was trying to explain how a coin flip and a first possession TD ends the game........."but that's not fair to the other team".....

I totally agree.

Congratulations Seattle for not giving up.
Heck of a game. You got to give to the Seahawks, They never gave up. I hate the OT rules. Both teams should get a possession.
Ugh... Seahawks D is what brought them to the Super Bowl. Amazing with that many turnovers Rodgers was stumped that bad... It should have been a Packer blowout!

Two LUCKY plays... and Hawks are given the game...
As a life long Seahawks fan..... I am worn out. Didn't see a whole lot of luck going our way in that game......until the onside kick. Still had to make the plays. Simply as a football fan, that was an amazing game.
I thought about trolling the hawks fans here when it was 16 zip but thought it'd jinx GB....
Walked away from the TV earlier in the game thinking Green Bay had it pretty much locked up. Turned out to be an exciting game for sure! Sure wish the Dolphins would get their act together one of these years.
Brady gets another one. mtmuley

I gotta go with the Hawks, and I hope it is not another cardiac game like todays. Belichek has a habit of making young quarterbacks look silly, but I can't see Seattle not stepping up.

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