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Packer for hire in SW Colorado?


Feb 11, 2012
Looking for assistance in finding a packer in SW CO.

Originally thought I would draw my CO archery mule deer tag but this is now 2 years running where statistics said I would draw and I end up needing another point.

So instead planning on hunting elk on an OTC tag in SW CO. Have a buddy that should be able to join, but if he can't make it I'll be on my own. My biggest concern is that should I get an elk I get it out in time to get it cooled (will be hunting last week of Sept). If anyone knows of any packers for hire or has any other suggestions for meat care it is appreciated.

We're planning on a 5 day backpack hunt getting a few miles in to get between road hunters and the pack-in outfitter camps. This will be my first trip to CO.
SW Colorado is a big area, you'll need to get a little more specific to get a good answer. What unit are you planning on hunting?
I wouldn't consider S.W. Colorado, but possibly might consider So. Central Colorado. However it's too early to say. I'll be archery hunting myself, packed in with our horses. It looks like I may also be buying a couple more pack animals in the next few weeks, however it's too soon to say for sure about that too. There are too many variables presently to say anything for certain.
The only certainty, is I'm looking forward to the rest of Summer and Fall, as there's nothing more fun than packing into the wilderness, camping, and then hunting too.
Am looking for packing assistance in units 74 or 75. Haven't decided on specific location yet.

Thanks for any further thoughts.
Packer for hire?

Regarding looking for a "packer for hire", at the time of this writing, I'm not sure if this is legal in Colorado, unless you're a registered Outfitter or Guide? The devil may be in the details, if you're accepting money to pack someone in.
Actually, I emailed the Colorado Div. of Wildlife and posed this question to them. I asked if you're only packing someone's gear into a location they requested, and are doing nothing more than being a backcountry taxi, if you can do this without being registered, etc..
I understand the valid reasons for the State to want Outfitter's to be registered to provide their typical services, however as this issue moves from black & white into shades of gray, it could end up being absurd. I once packed an Elk off a mountain that took from 4:30pm to 12:30am. My buddy gave me $50 bucks for the diesel fuel I burned coming & going. Was I in violation for that?
I wouldn't mind helping a foot bound hunter pack his camp gear into the backcountry on our stock, but I'm not about to get sideways with the law, and I can't donating my expenses just to be a nice guy and have a small adventure of my own. Heck, on that $50 fuel cash I got, didn't begin to cover the Vet bill we had when one of our horses injured his feet on the talus rock at midnight.
I've queried both the area USFS and State Game Warden about exactly what you can do with respect to packing, and not needing an Outfitter permit/license, etc.. I haven't heard back as yet.
Packing for Pay

I got interested in this issue, as I considered helping other's pack their gear in & out just for the adventure of it, yet I wasn't about to donate all my expenses either. If I got some modest financial reward for my efforts, all the better I thought.
I queried the local game warden about this. He told me that if someone is providing goods and SERVICES for hire, that's illegal unless you're a registered, licensed outfitter. He alluded to friends helping friends, and getting a modest "thank you" remuneration wasn't a big deal, however if someone is trying to make a buck doing this, they need to be licensed.
I guess I'll sit home! hahahaha