Yeti GOBOX Collection

PA elk


Active member
Feb 3, 2011
There’s been some recent comments about Pa elk so I thought I’d throw out a picture I took this year. Probably no interest in something like this if you’re a westerner.7AAC678B-80E1-45CE-912E-226B1F509692.jpeg
He is a smart one. I dont think he ventured out of the safety zone very often. He is magnificent tho. Couple other pics of him my friends took and sent to me. 1570946734843_2932166289_0d44d4c2.jpg1570946889222_107171512_0d44d4c2.jpg
Ive seen that one too have a nice video of him from last yr, im almost sure its the same one
Took my fiance up for 3 days she never saw an elk before and she loved it camped out got rained on and had a blast now she gets well at least a little all my crazy behavior
running up the steep driveway shooting my bow , running then kneeling and shooting my bow ,the squats with a pac, and all the goofy things I do for 1/2 yrs just to drive 33 hrs away to chase bugles
every few years
There are some monster bulls in PA. My wife and I saw a huge 8x9 right out of Benezette one year and then the next year, I (and a bunch of other people) got an invite to stay at a cabin right next to one of the viewing areas just up the road. I slept outside and was serenaded all night by bulls. I was almost run over the next morning when the bull from the prior year chased a big 6 point right through the yard.
That is a heck of a bull. I’m sure people are already making their plans to chase him through camp yards during shed season hoping he will get tangled in the clothesline in order to pick those ones up.
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